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The Solution to Business Hosting : Colocation Hosting

Published on 19 December 12

Colocation hosting is a suitable solution for businesses that are looking to find a middle ground between hosting everything using on-premises hardware and handing over total control to a third-party provider at a remote location.

In essence, colocation hosting allows you to retain ownership of the server hardware but install it at a data centre that is the responsibility of another company. There are a number of advantages to this type of arrangement, which are outlined below to help you work out whether you should adopt such a platform.
Connectivity and Resilience
When hosting server hardware in house you can encounter all sorts of bottlenecks, including such bugbears as bandwidth limitations and power problems.
You can usually remedy these if you have the cash to spend on improving your infrastructure, but for most businesses this will not be an option due to budgetary restrictions. By migrating to a colocation solution, you will be able to take advantage of a site that is specifically designed to offer excellent levels of connectivity.
In addition, the resilience and accessibility of your server will be assured because the site will function irrespective of outside influences. There will often be the option to hand maintenance of your hardware over to the provider if you want to take a very hands-off approach.
The end game here is to save money and by using colocation hosting you can avoid many of the costs typically associated with running an in-house server set-up that is adequate for the current needs of your business.
Security is a constant concern for businesses hosting their own servers, because the integrity of critical data and the reputation of your company hangs in the balance, with even the most minor of incursions capable of causing major repercussions.
When using a colocation hosting solution, you put your equipment behind a firewall that is able to rebuff the attacks that will be levelled against it while still giving you all the access you require.
The colocation provider has a collective responsibility to the clients renting space at its data centre, which is why security is given priority and you can be sure that continual updates will keep the standard of digital protection at the highest level.
You will also need to take into account the physical security of your hardware, because this too is something that can be problematic when handled in house. A third-party data centre should have round-the-clock monitoring to ensure that no unauthorised access is allowed, giving you complete peace of mind.
For some businesses the key benefit of taking the colocation hosting route will relate to the fact that you are still in complete control of the hardware and software that make up your server, even if it is being managed and maintained externally.
This means you can break free of upgrade cycles that are dictated by a third party and install new components or add the latest software to a schedule that fits in with the needs of your business.
Of course, while you will own the hardware and alter it as you see fit, you will not be limited in the same way as you would when dealing with on-premises set-ups. For example, if you are moving offices you will be able to do so without having to dismantle an entire server and put it out of action until it is reassembled later.
Colocation hosting is a simple concept but with powerful potential, so the businesses that harness it are able to enjoy plenty of benefits and save a bit of money in the process while availing of a scalable, stable server solution.
About the Author: Daisy Group have over 12 years experience of providing a range of business hosting solutions. Visit their website for more information.
Colocation hosting is a suitable solution for businesses that are looking to find a middle ground between hosting everything using on-premises hardware and handing over total control to a third-party provider at a remote location.


In essence, colocation hosting allows you to retain ownership of the server hardware but install it at a data centre that is the responsibility of another company. There are a number of advantages to this type of arrangement, which are outlined below to help you work out whether you should adopt such a platform.


Connectivity and Resilience

When hosting server hardware in house you can encounter all sorts of bottlenecks, including such bugbears as bandwidth limitations and power problems.


You can usually remedy these if you have the cash to spend on improving your infrastructure, but for most businesses this will not be an option due to budgetary restrictions. By migrating to a colocation solution, you will be able to take advantage of a site that is specifically designed to offer excellent levels of connectivity.


In addition, the resilience and accessibility of your server will be assured because the site will function irrespective of outside influences. There will often be the option to hand maintenance of your hardware over to the provider if you want to take a very hands-off approach.


The end game here is to save money and by using colocation hosting you can avoid many of the costs typically associated with running an in-house server set-up that is adequate for the current needs of your business.



Security is a constant concern for businesses hosting their own servers, because the integrity of critical data and the reputation of your company hangs in the balance, with even the most minor of incursions capable of causing major repercussions.


When using a colocation hosting solution, you put your equipment behind a firewall that is able to rebuff the attacks that will be levelled against it while still giving you all the access you require.


The colocation provider has a collective responsibility to the clients renting space at its data centre, which is why security is given priority and you can be sure that continual updates will keep the standard of digital protection at the highest level.


You will also need to take into account the physical security of your hardware, because this too is something that can be problematic when handled in house. A third-party data centre should have round-the-clock monitoring to ensure that no unauthorised access is allowed, giving you complete peace of mind.



For some businesses the key benefit of taking the colocation hosting route will relate to the fact that you are still in complete control of the hardware and software that make up your server, even if it is being managed and maintained externally.


This means you can break free of upgrade cycles that are dictated by a third party and install new components or add the latest software to a schedule that fits in with the needs of your business.


Of course, while you will own the hardware and alter it as you see fit, you will not be limited in the same way as you would when dealing with on-premises set-ups. For example, if you are moving offices you will be able to do so without having to dismantle an entire server and put it out of action until it is reassembled later.


Colocation hosting is a simple concept but with powerful potential, so the businesses that harness it are able to enjoy plenty of benefits and save a bit of money in the process while availing of a scalable, stable server solution.




About the Author: Daisy Group have over 12 years experience of providing a range of business hosting solutions. Visit their website for more information.

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