You will have to pay a lot of attention towards the security of the website, if you own one. When you are doing business online, it is important that your website is highly secured else the customers won’t trust your website. It will hamper the sales of your business and if it is secured,bluehost provides highly security features to customers, then you will see an increase in the return on investment as well. When we are talking about security breaches, then it doesn’t always refer to hacking, instead you will find that there have been attempts to utilize the server of yours for relaying spam email or to dish out files that are of an illegal nature. Therefore, it is important that the website is highly secured.
4 ways to secure the website:
In order to protect your website from all kinds of threats you must take some necessary steps. Here we have mentioned some of them –
1. Use strong passwords – Passwords are a great way of protecting your site. In order to make your password strong you must include numbers as well as alphabets in it. It should have a minimum of 10 characters and it is always better to stay away from names.
2. Antivirus – Always keep an updated version of the software, otherwise your website will be left vulnerable to virus and malware. It will also help you keep your website protected from the hackers as well.
3. Firewalls – This helps in filtering the information that gets transferred from one website to another. If your firewall is of industry standard, then you will be able to provide you will be able to restrict the hackers from accessing the information from your website. Just by having a firewall for your website is not enough, instead you must configure it properly from time to time.
4. Security Test – Periodical tests of the software to see whether they are working just fine or not is also important. Moreover, it is also important to see that you use generic messages where hackers won’t be able to make out where they have gone wrong, for example, Incorrect Username or Password.