6 Ultra-Useful Tips for Mobile Device Security
Published on 23 September 14
Whether you use your smartphone religiously, or for regular purposes only, it comes with some added risk. Most people prefer to access applications and sensitive data on the go, as it is more convenient and easier to carry. Accessing sensitive information on your smartphone means your device itself is a target for malicious threats. There are, however, ways by which you can protect your smartphone from such threats.
Lock your Phone
Probably, the simplest of all ways, keep your phone locked. When you are aware you may have to leave your phone for even a fraction of a minute, or may have the habit of forgetting it at places you’d normally not leave it at, make sure the screen or the access is locked.
Using Remote services
Perhaps undervalued, several apps or systems are provided by manufactures or software developers that can help you track your phone and gather legible information in the event of it being stolen. It may not prevent your phone from being stolen, but it can make the retrieval that much easier.
Adopt the Cloud
If you have information on your phone, that is sensitive to hacking or other threats, you can always upload this information to Cloud services. Cloud is rapidly emerging as a one-stop solution to all problems, IT and security. There is no need to expose your phone to that threat.
Get an Anti-Virus
This one goes without saying. For someone who has been dealing with computers, the hardware and software that goes along with it, must be aware of how critical it is to have your data and resources be protected by a good Anti-Virus.
Vigilance Is the Key
In a world where companies are rapidly emerging, with thousands of apps and services being provided each day, it becomes hard to guess which ones are genuine and which ones aren't. One way of doing this would be to ensure you install and use only trusted and well-documented applications.
Keeping It Out-Of-Sight
You wouldn't travel with nearly as much cash as your phone is worth, especially through public mediums, would you? So why keep the phone in sight at all times. Keep it safe, in a secure location and do not needlessly publicize that you have one.
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Great piece of information........Nicely written!!