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From Data Visualization to Data Spatialization in Architecture

Published on 16 October 15

A relationship between the fields of data visualization and architecture has existed for hundreds of years. This relationship dates as far back as the late 17th century, as evidenced in French architect’s Antoine Desgodetz architectural publication, Les edifices antiques de Rome dessinés et mesurés très exactement (The ancient buildings of Rome designed and precisely measured). The publication serves as one of the earliest examples of the confluence of design and art and allowed students to clearly visualize their potential work.

From Data Visualization to Data Spatialization in Architecture - Image 1

Data visualization allows the architect a way to experience what is going to be built without having the ability to step inside of the structure. It also allows freedom to create and conceptualize different types of design elements that can be incorporated into the design process in order to achieve innovation in design and style. The relationship between data visualization and architecture, as well as the interplay of data spatialization in architectural design is a fascinating one.

About Data Visualization and Spatialization

It is important to have a base understanding of data visualization as well as spatialization. Data visualization is simply defined as presenting data in a visual or pictorial form. Many of the earliest examples of data visualization are still commonly in use today in the form of maps and charts, such as those use to explore new lands or to chart the solar system. Spatialization takes large sets of data and imagines it in three dimensions, through the use of software. Spatialization takes visualization to a new frontier by giving depth to data and bringing it nearly to life.