Learn Service Procurement Process in SAP MM
Course Summary
This course explains the step by step approach to execute the complete Service Procurement Process in SAP MM.
Course Description
Every organization acquires goods to complete its business needs. Besides these goods procurement, an organization may require occasionally some kind of services. These services will include small maintenance task like changing the lights, painting and housekeeping. These services are carried out by external contractors and hence the whole process of procurement of services is known as service management. The key points about service management are as follows.
™Services are meant for direct consumption instead of keeping them in inventory.
™Service description along with unit of measure is stored as master data in a record that is known as service master record.
™System stores the services that have been procured as a record in a sheet called as service entry sheet.
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You should opt for this course to have some better understanding on the Service Procurement Process in SAP MM.