Cisco Network Design Blocks for CCDA DESGN (200-310)
Course Summary
This course will show you the basics of how to design a network including discussing the hierarchical design model, Cisco's Enterprise Architectural Model, and a review of how virtualization is and will be changing network design.
Course Description
Often the problem that many network engineers have when working on networks is that they lack an understanding of network design and how and why a network is built a specific way. This course reviews the various network design blocks that are used when building a network and how they are used in combination with one another to achieve a highly usable design. In this course, Cisco Network Design Blocks for CCDA DESGN (200-310), you'll learn the foundational knowledge to have the ability to design a basic network using Cisco's preferred methods. First, you will learn about the different modules within Cisco's Hierarchical Design model and how they can be combined together. Next, you'll learn about the different functional areas within a network and how they can be placed to achieve a highly scalable and adaptable design. Finally, you'll learn how about how virtualization technologies will affect network design and network traffic flow in tomorrow's networks. When you're finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of network design needed to understand high-level design decisions.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 47s
—Course Overview 1m 47sBuilding a Network with Hierarchy- 19m 42s
—Introduction 1m 7s
—What Is Hierarchy? 3m 29s
—Hierarchical Network Model: Access Layer 3m 8s
—Hierarchical Network Model: Distribution Layer 5m 20s
—Hierarchical Network Model: Core Layer 3m 32s
—Extending to the Layers Beyond the LAN 2m 14s
—Summary 0m 50sModularization of the Network- 18m 22sCurrent and Future Virtualization Technologies Effect on Design- 20m 44s