AWS Certified DevOps Engineer: Security, Governance, and Validation
Course Summary
This is the third in a series of four courses that will prepare you for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Certification.
Course Description
This is the third in a series of four courses that will prepare you for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Certification. In this course, we'll cover the domain objectives for the security, governance, and validation portion of the exam.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 2m 1s
—Course Overview 2m 1sCourse Introduction- 3m 10s
—Getting Started 3m 10sUnderstanding AWS Security Best Practices- 40m 13sImplementing Delegation and Federation- 39m 49sProtecting Data In-flight and at Rest- 20m 29sEnabling IT Governance with AWS Services- 25m 50s
This course is listed under
Cloud Computing
, Development & Implementations
, Data & Information Management
, IT Strategy & Management
, Networks & IT Infrastructure
and IT Security & Architecture
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