Windows 2000 Server Internet Gateways
Course Summary
Throughout this Windows 2000 Server Internet Gateways course you will learn how to establish internet connectivity on your network using ISA Server, NAT and ICS, so you can evaluate and implement the best solution depending on your network's needs.
Course Description
Throughout this Windows 2000 Server Internet Gateways course you will learn how to establish internet connectivity on your network using ISA Server, NAT and ICS, so you can evaluate and implement the best solution depending on your network's needs. This course is designed for beginners familiar with Windows 2000 Server, but is also a helpful course for more experienced users wanting an in-depth look at Internet Gateways.
Course Syllabus
Lab Setup- 27m 45s
—Introduction 0m 31s
—System Requirements 2m 40s
—Lab Setup Network Diagram 3m 51s
—IP Configuration Table 1m 51s
—Client-1 Configuration 4m 11s
—SRV-1 Configuration 5m 21s
—SRV-11 Configuration 6m 54s
—Disable Routing and Remote Access 2m 26sConfiguring Internet Gateway Using ISA Server, NAT and ICS- 56m 58s
—Network Diagram 3m 18s
—What is an Internet Gateway? 10m 46s
—Internet Connection Sharing Setup 15m 38s
—Build a Basic Website 1m 34s
—Host the Website on the Web Server 4m 13s
—Test Connectivity 4m 13s
—Security 2m 33s
—Make Client11 a Web Server 6m 49s
—Configure and Test Settings on SRV-1 7m 54sEstablishing Internet Connection using NAT- 55m 53sEstablishing Internet Connection using ISA- 1h 33mTerminal Services- 19m 19s