CompTIA Storage+ Part 3: Data Protection & Storage
Course Summary
This course helps students prepare for the CompTIA Storage+ Powered by SNIA exam (SGO-001)
Course Description
Storage and storage networking are becoming increasingly important to businesses of all shapes and sizes across the planet. And they will only continue to become more and more important in the future, as businesses and society in general are demanding more and more storage than ever. As a result, there is an increasing demand for IT professionals to be proficient with storage concepts and administering storage systems. This CompTIA Storage+ training course not only covers the objectives required for the CompTIA Storage+ exam, but also covers topics current and relevant in the real world, such as cloud storage and flash memory. This course is vendor-neutral and will train the student in topics ranging from disk drives and flash memory, through RAID, arrays, SANS, backup & recovery, object storage and cloud storage. If you're new to IT, or consider yourself a server or networking veteran, this course will bring you up to speed on the fundamental concepts of storage, as well as introduce you to the disruptive nature of technologies like cloud storage and flash memory.
Course Syllabus
Capacity Optimization Technologies- 36m 0s
—Capacity Optimization Technologies 2m 16s
—Deduplication 12m 58s
—Compression 3m 30s
—Thin and Over Provisioning 8m 39s
—Tiering and Hierarchical Storage Management 6m 19s
—Lesson Summary 2m 18sStorage Virtualization- 26m 34s
—Storage Virtualization 3m 34s
—Host Based Virtualization 5m 43s
—Linux LVM 3m 7s
—Host and Controller Based Virtualization 4m 49s
—Why Controller Based Storage Virtualization 2m 36s
—What to Watch Out For 3m 29s
—Software Defined Storage (SDS) 2m 8s
—Lesson Summary 1m 8sBackup Archive and Recovery- 57m 26sCloud Storage- 22m 19sStorage Management- 29m 45sStorage Performance- 49m 11sTroubleshooting- 42m 56sPreparing for the Exam- 7m 4s