Deploying Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (v1607) with MDT
Course Summary
In this course, you learn to build and customize a rock-solid deployment solution for Windows 10 v1607 using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). Sample files and scripts are included as you learn about new features and changes in Windows 10 v1607.
Course Description
This course takes you through all needed steps to set up a deployment solution for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (v1607) or later based on MDT 2013 Update 2 (Lite Touch) and the new Windows ADK 10 v1607. You will learn about customizing Windows 10 settings, like start menu, taskbar, and other common settings. You will also get to build rock-solid Windows 10 reference images and see the new deployment features in the anniversary update (v1607) of both Windows 10 and Windows ADK 10. Finally, you'll go over working with drivers, updates, and applications as part of the deployment process. When you're finished with this course, you'll be able to access the rich set of sample files and scripts that help you to quickly set up a deployment solution based on MDT.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 33s
—Course Overview 1m 33sWindows 10 v1607 and Windows 10 ADK v1607 Updates- 46m 5s
—Windows 10 v1607 and Windows ADK 10 v1607 Updates 8m 9s
—Deployment Scenarios, Methods, and Solutions 13m 42s
—Windows 10 v1607 Image Strategy 2m 11s
—Windows 10 v1607 Group Policy Strategy 6m 33s
—Updates in Windows 10 v1607 6m 41s
—Updates in Windows ADK 10 v1607 4m 2s
—Proof-of-concept Lab Setup 3m 26s
—Summary 1m 18sCreating a Windows 10 v1607 Reference Image Using MDT- 31m 55sDeploying Windows 10 v1607 in Production Using MDT- 33m 58sCustomizing Your Windows 10 v1607 Deployments- 34m 52s