Design Patterns in C++: Structural - Adapter to Decorator
Course Summary
If you're a developer or architect, you need to know how to recognize and apply design patterns in your work. This course will teach you about structural design patterns in modern C++, including the Adapter, Bridge, Composite and Decorator patterns.
Course Description
The correct application and recognition of design patterns is an important skill for developers and architects. This course, Design Patterns in C++: Structural - Adapter to Decorator (part of a multi-series course on C++ patterns), introduces you to Structural design patterns. First you'll cover the Adapter and Bridge patterns, moving on to the Composite and Decorator design patterns. You'll also be shown different ways in which these patterns can be implemented in modern C++ (C++ 11 and beyond). Software required: a C++ IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, CLion) or a text editor (e.g., VIM, EMACS) together with a C++ compiler (e.g., GCC, Clang).
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 45s
—Course Overview 1m 45sAdapter- 39m 43sBridge- 23m 26sComposite- 36m 36sDecorator- 42m 56s