F# Functional Data Structures
Course Summary
This course describes the important data structures - especially collections - available in F#, together with the functions which F# provides for working with them.
Course Description
F# and .NET provide you with a wealth of data structures and collections for storing and manipulating data. This course identifies these structures and the functions which F# provides to work with them, including arrays, lists, and sequences. By the end of the course you'll know how to write idiomatic, maintainable programs which solve complex problems with simple code.
Course Syllabus
Introduction- 13m 15s
—Why Functional Data Structures Matter 1m 57s
—What Is a Functional Data Structure? 1m 45s
—Prerequisites: F# Interactive (FSI) 1m 40s
—Prerequisites: The let Keyword 2m 20s
—Prerequisites: The Forward Pipe Operator |> 1m 45s
—Prerequisites: Tuples 1m 13s
—Prerequisites: Records 1m 30s
—Summary 1m 1sArrays- 41m 49s
—Introduction 1m 18s
—Creating an Array 6m 56s
—Accessing Array Elements 2m 33s
—The Array Module 1m 47s
—Array.map 3m 23s
—Array.mapi 2m 7s
—Array.iter and Array.filter 3m 42s
—Option Data Type and Array.choose 3m 27s
—Array.sum, Array.sumBy, Array.sort, and Array.sortBy 4m 0s
—Array.reduce 4m 4s
—Array.fold 2m 43s
—Array.zip 2m 27s
—Multi-Dimensional and Jagged Arrays 2m 12s
—Summary 1m 2sSequences- 49m 35sLists- 12m 7sLists, Pattern Matching, and Recursion- 16m 52sDictionaries- 22m 5sSets and Maps- 19m 57sTrees- 15m 42sChoosing a Data Structure- 33m 10s
This course is listed under
Development & Implementations
and Data & Information Management
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