Building Cross Platform Native Mobile Applications with NativeScript
Course Summary
This course introduces web developers to NativeScript, an open source framework for building native iOS and Android apps. Learn how a real app is constructed with NativeScript, discover its features, and alternate paths of development.
Course Description
Want to learn how to build native apps easily with free tools? This course introduces web developers to NativeScript, an open source framework for building native iOS and Android apps. First, you'll see the initial installation of NativeScript and configuring the modern open source Node.js-based ecosystem. The app that you will be building is a native mobile app developed for a fictitious company, RPS, to help its conference attendees view the conference schedule and create their own agendas. You will be guided through the app development process by seeing reasons behind each choice made to implement a feature, as if the author was an employee of RPS that was tasked with building the conference app. In each module, you'll be introduced to a new concept by implementing an app feature. By the end of this course, you'll be better prepared to tackle a full implementation of a real native app using freely available tooling.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 43s
—Course Overview 1m 43sCourse Introduction- 13m 18s
—Course Introduction 2m 0s
—Meet NativeScript 2m 43s
—How NativeScript Works 1m 54s
—Resources 1m 56s
—RPS Conference Application Tour 3m 24s
—Course Outline 1m 19sConfiguring Your Environment- 12m 34sCore Concepts- 29m 20sUI Basics- 57m 52sWorking with Data- 51m 15sNavigation- 44m 14sAnimation- 23m 16sCourse Summary- 1m 10s