Using Docker with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Course Summary
Looking to deploy your Docker container cluster to the cloud but can't get your mind around the complexity? AWS's Elastic Beanstalk is a managed service that abstracts most of the layers of difficulty away. This course will get you started.
Course Description
At the core of Elastic Beanstalk - especially as it's used for Docker container deployments - is a thorough knowledge of Docker container clusters. In this course, Using Docker with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, you will learn how to deploy and coordinate individual Docker containers into a fully-managed AWS-based Docker cluster. You will review some container basics and understand how Beanstalk invisibly marshals a wide range of AWS resources to make the cluster work. Next you'll see how Docker clusters are built through a quick look at Docker Swarm mode. Finally, you'll launch your own multi-tiered Docker application on Elastic Beanstalk. When you're finished with this course, you will have a solid working knowledge of running Docker containers on AWS's Elastic Beanstalk. This knowledge will help you as you improve your ability to launch and manage large container clusters in the cloud.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 19s
—Course Overview 1m 19sIntroduction to Elastic Beanstalk and Docker- 12m 36s
—Elastic Beanstalk: What's In It for You? 3m 3s
—Dockerfile: Scripting Docker Containers 2m 23s
—Docker Swarm and Microservice Deployments 5m 33s
—Elastic Beanstalk and Docker: A Solution 1m 36sThe Elastic Beanstalk Toolset- 20m 10sIntegrating Beanstalk and Docker with Your AWS Resources- 8m 35sDeploy a Full-sized Docker/Elastic Beanstalk Project- 15m 3s