Using ES6 in Your Node.js Web Application
Course Summary
ES6 brings many cool new features to JavaScript. In this course, you'll get to see the features you should be using in your Node.js development.
Course Description
The world of JavaScript is changing rapidly and Node.js is doing its best to try and keep up. In this course, Using ES6 in Your Node.js Web Application, you'll get a look at how to integrate the new ES6 features that are available in Node.js into your web applications. You'll start with seeing some of the features that provide simplified syntax in ES6 and how to implement these into your code. Next, you'll see two new types of variable declarations, as well as some additions to the function options. Finally, you'll see some of the cool, new built-ins from ES6 including Promises, which are a great way to eliminate callbacks. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to implement many of these new features in your web applications.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 30s
—Course Overview 1m 30sECMAScript and Node.js- 13m 19s
—Introduction 1m 15s
—What is EcmaScript? 2m 44s
—What is ES6? 2m 10s
—Getting to Know KangaX 5m 3s
—ES6 Adoption in Node.js 1m 10s
—Summary 0m 54sSome Syntactic Sugar- 25m 40sNew Bindings- 7m 16sFunction Changes- 31m 31sBuilt-ins- 25m 7s