Angular Basics
Course Summary
Get started with Angular, a front end framework for building robust, cross-platform, client-side applications. In this course you'll learn how to configure your environment, install dependencies, and get up and running with an Angular application. By the end of this course you'll be able to build your own Angular application. This course teaches the basics of Angular, versions 2 and later. For Angular 1, or AngularJS, please see our AngularJS ( course.
Course Description
About this Course Get started with Angular, a front end framework for building robust, cross-platform, client-side applications. In this course you'll learn how to configure your environment, install dependencies, and get up and running with an Angular application. By the end of this course you'll be able to build your own Angular application. This course teaches the basics of Angular, versions 2 and later. For Angular 1, or AngularJS, please see our AngularJS course. What you'll learn
- The anatomy of an Angular 2 application
- How to configure webpack
- Static typing with TypeScript
- Components
- Templates
- Scoped CSS
- Attribute & Structural Directives
- Child components
- Services
- Make Http Requests
About the Teacher
In addition to being a Guest Teacher at treehouse, Ken is also an organizer for the Portland TypeScript Meetup where he plays a supporting role in a growing tech community.
Course Syllabus
Setting Up an Angular Application
Here it is. You are about to embark on an extraordinary journey. Writing JavaScript is a lot of fun, but writing an Angular 2 application with TypeScript is pure joy. In this course we'll cover the basics of building an Angular 2 application. There's a lot to cover so let's get started. 6 steps- Why Angular 2? 3:33
- The Parts and Pieces of an Angular Application 2:43
- Review: The Parts and Pieces of an Angular Application 5 questions
- The Importance of Static Typing in Angular 7:12
- Your First Angular Application 14:48
- Review: Your First Angular Application 5 questions
Angular Components
An Angular application is made up of series of Components. A component has a template, styles, and handles business logic. In this stage we'll look at how components can be used to compose an application. 7 stepsServices in Angular
Angular 2 was designed for cross-platform and modular development. Because of this, you need to specify the modules your application will need before you can use them. In this stage we'll create a service and include one from the Angular library. 5 stepsAngular Basic Forms
There's no doubt that if you are building a web application you'll need to capture information from your users at some point. In this stage we'll add a comment form to our application. We'll look at different input types and how to use them. 8 stepsAngular Form Validation
It's never easy telling users when something's not working. But it's better to tell them early and tell them often. In this stage we'll validate that our form fields meet certain criteria before they hit the submit button. Because we can't guarantee everything is working on the server, we'll report those errors too. 5 steps