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Why Having Your Website Content Translated in Multiple Languages?

Published on 30 October 15
Why Having Your Website Content Translated in Multiple Languages? - Image 1

It is of huge importance to have your website content translated into many languages if you know your business is multinational and your website is viewed by people from many regions of the world. Just imagine why Google would provide the option of various translated versions of its search engine website when it is already one of the simplest and plainest website on the internet. Businesses are now realizing the importance of having their website content translated into the languages of the regions that are the hottest markets for their businesses.

There are several reasons why your website should have a translated version for different regions and countries. First, if you are an international business it only makes sense to have your website available in the languages of countries you sell to. How would it feel to have a website written in Arabic for the Americans? Of course, English is an international language but there are still much more people on earth who don’t know how to speak or understand English than there are who do. In simple words, if you really want to cover the entire market without missing out on millions of customers, you need a translated website.

Brand identity is something that can take businesses years and decades to create. Becoming an ideal brand for your customers requires you to do things that other businesses are not doing. You have to go out of the box and provide unique experience to your customers. Later, you have to stick with your strategies and keep the experience consistent for customers too. This invokes brand loyalty in customers because they are bonded with your brand through an emotional string. What better way than having a website in their own language to show them how loyal you are to them in return?

Having your website translated is another way to stand out from the rest. If you do an online survey, you will see that there are still a huge number of businesses that have not done anything to translate their websites. When visitors from non-English speaking parts of the world go to their websites they are met with disappointment. They cannot understand things and if they don’t find what they are looking for, they move back to their local companies. You could look different from your competitors by going a step closer to your customers and offering them what’s really close to them.

Getting more sales is much easier for companies if they offer their websites in local languages of the people. It is because they can personalize the content for people according to their regions, cultures and traditions. The terminologies used in different cultures only sound good when they are spoken and written in those languages. If your business is selling products in Germany, you should definitely go for German translation for your website's content. Most importantly, make sure you give this task to only the native speakers of the language that you want your website to be translated in.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and Mobility Community

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  1. 26 January 16

    Translating websites is one way to increase credibility to your own website. The more information you make available to more users, the more serious your website content appears to the audiences you are addressing. Plus, obviously, people speaking other languages can find the information they are looking for in their native language. The point here is, which languages should you use for translation? We have created an interesting article that compares the growth of internet usage by country/language with GDP and economic growth. Choosing which countries/languages to target makes sense once one analyzes the data pointing to growing regions and growing numbers of users. The article can be found in

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