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You Don't Need Education To Be A Better Computer Networking Specialist, Here Is How

Published on 25 August 17
You Don't Need Education To Be A Better Computer Networking Specialist, Here Is How - Image 1

Computer networking specialist is one of the growing professions that don't require a college degree. With a diploma, you can still navigate the up and downs of this profession comfortably. No matter what type of higher education you took, you can assume the role of a computer repair technician, a network technician, server administrator, technical support tech or an IT technician. Computer networking specialists attract a salary of between 72,000 dollars to 120,000 dollars per year, plus it’s one of the most desirable jobs on the planet.

There are specific traits that a computer networking specialist needs to have to thrive in this field. They need to be resilient, patient and analytical. They should also never give up when they are faced with a problem.

Here are five tips that can help you become a better computer networking specialist:
Be Calm

Being an IT specialist comes with a lot of challenges that make you want to quit sometimes. There can be problems at times which figuring out the causes really takes you over the edge! It could be a hardware or software problem which may cause a lot of damage if not resolved quickly.

Computer network are usually time sensitive and this can cause someone to panic or give up. When faced with a problem that you find hard to solve, you should sit down and think a solution. If you cannot find one go to the internet and chances are you will find someone who once had a similar problem and managed to solve it. If that doesn't work you can always call a friend or two who are in the same profession and maybe they can help you out in solving the problem.
Do Not Guess
When it comes to computers, you do not want guess around. You might end up doing more harm than good. If you encounter something new in terms of the architecture or a new aspect of the network, take your time and do some research online or pick a book that you think may assist in solving the problem. If you’re still not able to find the solution, consult a colleague or supervisor for help. Look closely at what they do and learn from them so that when faced with the challenge again, you can be able to solve it by yourself.
Keep Notes

It may seem odd that an IT person should keep a notebook with him instead of writing whatever he may want on a computer. Notebooks may come in handy when you want to jot something down real quick such as a new concept that you may have come across, something that you may have learned from a colleague or on the internet.

In your notebook, you can also write down all the usernames, steps that you may need to navigate to certain areas of the network, error codes and any other thing that you may need to remember as an IT specialist. By doing this, you will make sure that you are always at par with your system and know every inch of it and in case you get challenged, you have somewhere to refer to.
Communicate Clearly

It is crucial that computer networking specialists communicate clearly and regularly. This can be done through meetings and memos and it has been proved that over time, regular meetings help improve a company's output. This is where individuals get to know what else is going is on in other parts of the company.

Your colleagues and supervisor should at all times know what you’re working on. This helps during the times that you’re incapacitated and need someone to fill in for you. With you away, someone can chip in and save the day especially in crucial matters that require urgency. Clear communication can also be established through documentation. This can be in the form of the notebook that you have or commenting on the code that you will be writing to show people what the code is really doing.
Don't Stop Learning

In the field of computer networking and IT, learning never stops. Things change fast and there is always a paradigm shift once in a while, thus, you are required to learn new technologies when they emerge.

For you to stay current, look at what the big IT firms are doing and position yourself such that you are able to replicate the technology that they are making or at least understand it. You can also opt to go back to school and get a certification if it’s needed. This will help you be abreast with technology and if your firm decides to change to the new systems, you will be ready!
Statistics indicate that there are 10 times more jobs in computing in 2017 than the number of computer science graduates in 2015! This just shows how big this industry is. To enjoy a slice of the cake, use these tips to help you in becoming a better computer networking specialist!
This blog is listed under Networks & IT Infrastructure Community

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