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Top 9 Free Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Web Tools and Resources

Published on 23 June 18
Top 9 Free Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Web Tools and Resources - Image 1

Blockchain is changing the world. And as is always the case with such new technologies, it’s changing the lives of the people who are getting in early as well. Of course, to get in early does mean knowing what it’s all about. Fortunately, the internet offers plenty of opportunities for us to learn things without having to pay to do so.

For that reason, to help you get to grips with blockchain and it's more well-known offshoot cryptocurrencies, we’ve decided to put together a list of tools and learning resources so you know where to find what you’re looking for.

If you’re going to make money off cryptocurrencies then you need to know how much they’re worth. CoinMarketCap is a very useful tool that will allow you to do exactly that. It will teach you the coin’s capitalization, as well as other data that you’ll want to know.

Even better, it will do all that is near to real time. Every five minutes the statistics on the website are updated. And though that might not be fast enough to make micro-trades by way of algorithms, it should be more than enough for your beginning needs.

Where is the best place to get to grips with the more advanced concepts related to cryptocurrencies? Well, from the horse’s mouth of course! And so, you’ll want to go to CryptoCompare. This is where many of the experts on cryptocurrency gather to discuss the latest developments, ideas, and problems.

Armed with that information, you’re far more likely to be on the cutting edge than if you – say – just read articles like this, many of which are outdated almost as soon as they’re put up.
Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin, as one of the most established currencies out there, is something you’ll obviously want to watch closely and know as much as you can about – especially seeing as almost every cryptocurrency correlates to a high degree with Bitcoin.

For that reason, you’ll want to look into Bitcoin Core. It’s where you can keep your bitcoins safe, as well as learn a great deal about the security of bitcoin and how it is kept decentralized.
Multichain blog

As you can probably guess, multichain blog is a blog about blockchain technologies. What makes it such a useful site is that the writers really know their stuff. This means that rather than just giving you the stuff that’s already out their rehashed and with a pretty font, they instead focus on telling you stuff you don’t yet know.

The focus of the website is mainly on cryptocurrencies (again) though they will occasionally talk about topics within the wider blockchain field.
Blockchain Alliance

A lot of people worry that cryptocurrencies are enabling criminals to make transactions easily across borders. To counteract this (and crimes in the field more generally) the blockchain alliance was created.

The website is a public-private forum where people discuss how to tackle criminal activity. That’s hardly the only thing they do, however. They also spend time on promoting blockchain to help individuals and businesses get ahead.
XRP Ledger

Are you not just looking to explore other people’s blockchains but also set up your own? Then you’ll want to check out XRP Ledger. This open source technology can be integrated easily into whatever you’re doing and thereby give you a lot of the building blocks you need to start your blockchain.

As an extra bonus, the website hosts a massive database of knowledge and information about blockchain on its website for you to check out. In that way, you won’t just be able to use their technology but you’ll be understanding what you’re doing as you do so.
The bitcoin hivemind

Of course, it’s useful to know what bitcoin has done and is doing right now. But what you really want to know about is the future. That’s what the bitcoin hivemind tries to compute. It uses the trends available in the data right now to predict what is going to happen in the future.

And of course, that’s not always going to be entirely accurate. But you can be sure it’s going to be a great deal more informative than most investor’s back of the napkin predictions! That’s because algorithms can process and factor in so much more information than we can. And ultimate, the best models of the future are going to need the most information from the past.

Do you see a bitcoin rise coming and do you want to desperately buy some of the currency but you don’t have any cash? Then you’ll want to use other ways to get the currency. One such way is through CoinAdder. These guys give you bitcoin for every ad that you watch.

Now, to be clear, it’s not a fortune. But if you time it correctly it might well become one. This is especially true if you can use this newly earned bitcoin to correctly predict the currency’s ups and downs and grow your portfolio as a result.
Decentralized TV
Are you a person who prefers video to articles? Then check out the youtube channel Decentralized TV. They provide useful videos which explain a whole range of topics in an easy to digest manner. This might be just what you need for your morning commute as it’s certainly more interesting than yet more dry text.
Keep learning

So, there you have nine different websites you can check out for information. Make sure you don’t stop there, however. You see, as blockchain and bitcoin are very new technologies and things are still changing at a rapid rate, if you don’t make sure you keep learning and stay ahead of the curve, you’re going to fall behind.

For that reason, when you go to these sites, check out what other material they in turn reference. Then take the time to read that as well. This will make sure that your knowledge will keep growing and your opportunities with the technology continue to expand. Because blockchain is only going to make your future if you’re able to ride at the top of the wave. And only experts get to ride up there.

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