UX trends in cross-platform designing
There has been a lot of transformation in user experience in recent years. It is indispensable for any app development company to pay greater attention to user experience.
Commonly known as UX, the user experience is considered as one of the most important factors while developing any web app or mobile app. The most important factor is, what can be done for the user to retain and stay longer on your app.
Cross-platform designing has the motto to make users write the code in one language which can be easily compiled to multiple platforms.
Usually, the framework allows app developers to write code in dynamic programming language and then compile against the native libraries.
App developers need not write sequence of code for each platform. A code written once can be reused again and again on other platforms.
It is cost effective! This is the best benefit of cross-platform app designing. It allows companies to get on the other platforms at a less cost.
Most frameworks can directly integrate with cloud services such as Salesforce, AWS, Box, etc.
Let us discuss latest user experience trends in cross platform designing.
- Adaptivity in design- There are many sizes available for smartphones. Medium sized mobile, small tiny pocket mobiles, tablets, phablets (smaller than a tablet but bigger than mobile phones). The user will bounce out of the mobile app if the design is not giving the similar look on mobile and tablet as well. Hence concentrating on adaptivity is the trend we are looking forward to.
- Keep it simple- The use of white space has been increased and many app developers tend to design clean designs. Because of simple layout and graphics, the app becomes significantly appealing. The perfect light tones and well organized, spaced out elements helps to create a simple yet powerful app design.
- Automation- Automation in design is the most talked about the trend. Machines handling maximum part of designing can decrease the time required and increases the efficiency. Grid.io and firedrop.ai are two famous tools for website design development. In coming phase, it is expected to get few such amazing tools for mobile app designing. Artificial intelligence is expected to contribute in complete automated designing.
- Scroll- Creativity in scrolling. As we know, users love to scroll. The trend is how creatively you can design the app and make it more enjoyable. The aim here is to let the user scroll and tap comfortably on multiple devices. It is very essential to consider easy navigation since it reduces the waiting time for user and user does not find the app difficult to use.
- Interactive- The users expect interactiveness from the mobile apps. Microinteration brings gaming effects and adds fun in using the app. They expect an interaction as if some human is responding. There are many sizes available for smartphones. Medium sized mobile, small tiny pocket mobiles, tablets, phablets (smaller than a tablet but bigger than mobile phones). The user will bounce out of the mobile app if the design is not giving the similar look on mobile and tablet as well. Hence concentrating on adaptivity is the trend we are looking forward to.
- Security- As we know, the number of online payments is increasing. People expect higher security from these apps. App developers are considering security as a primary concern. US government has spent $28 billion on cybersecurity in the year 2016. As we know, users love to scroll. The trend is how creatively you can design the app and make it more enjoyable. The aim here is to let the user scroll and tap comfortably on multiple devices. It is very essential to consider easy navigation since it reduces the waiting time for user and user does not find the app difficult to use.
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality- AR and VR will surely influence UX design trends in upcoming years. Since there is a demand for immersive experiences in all sectors, the app developers are considering augmented reality as an important trend. Designers deal with the three-dimensional images when creating virtual reality apps. But, working on AR and VR is a challenging task!
- Hybrid app development- Since Hybrid apps are the combination of hybrid and native apps, they are becoming favorites of every cross-platform app developer. Hybrid apps display information faster and adjust to various device configuration. These apps are lightweight and hence can load HD graphics quickly.
Since these are the latest trends in UX cross-platform designing, every app development company must follow with these.
Having a great app concept is the very first thing needed. Very obviously! What unique are you offering for users through your service/product and app is very important. But just coming with a great idea is not enough.
Many times, in spite of offering a great app with awesome service, the app does not get enough attention. It happens due to the poor user experience. When any user opens the app, the first thing he or she notices is the design of the app.
Usually, unique, out of the box designs create a good impression. At the same time, it is important to focus on the experienced user is going to have.