4 Threats To The Cloud & How To Beat Them
Cloud computing has completely revolutionized how modern-day businesses operate. Cloud computing brings many benefits to businesses and is a smart way of operating, but it is also important that business owners are aware of the various threats to cloud computing. The continued rise of cybercrime is a cause for concern for companies of all sizes and in all industries. Therefore, action needs to be taken to eliminate these threats so that you are able to enjoy all of the benefits that cloud computing brings and to provide peace of mind. Here are a few of the main threats to be aware of.
1. Data Breach
A data breach can devastate a company and is something that all owners need to consider. This involves unauthorized users or programs gaining access to confidential data which can then be seen, stolen or used. In addition to sensitive data being accessed, a data breach can also ruin a company’s reputation and lead to legal issues.
Encrypting data before uploading it to the cloud is a smart action to take and can stop data breaches from being effective. You can also secure cloud data through cloud security technology that allows you greater control over your data and who can access it.
2. Data Loss
Data loss is also a threat to be wary of. Unlike a breach which is an outside threat, a data loss is usually down to a natural disaster or human error but it could also be a consequence of an outside attack.
You can reduce the threat of data losses by backing up your data to an external location on a regular basis. Additionally, you should create a disaster recovery plan which can help you to avoid data loss and minimize any costly downtime if you ever lose any important information.
3. Insider Threat
One of the biggest threats is not from outsiders as it can be relatively straightforward to block these threats with antivirus, firewalls, and VPNs. Internal threats can be much more dangerous and could be targeted malicious behavior or simply a case of employee negligence.
You can avoid insider threats by only providing access to data to those that need it and changing your passwords on a regular basis. Additionally, you must educate your team on cloud security risks and create policies that will help staff to use the cloud safely.
4. Limited Cloud Visibility
When staff members don’t have the ability to determine whether cloud service use is safe or dangerous it can create a host of issues, including potentially placing sensitive data in public spaces.
You can avoid this threat through an application programming interface (API) connection which provides greater visibility into the cloud. Additionally, company-wide training and cloud usage policies can help you to stay safe and protect important business data.
Cloud computing can bring many benefits and it is easy to see why so many businesses have adopted this technology. It can also be dangerous, however, and you must know how to use the cloud safely and avoid these common threats.