Cloud back up is an online data storage option. If the data is lost or damaged due to some misfortune, it can be easily retrieved with the help of online back up through Cloud hosting services. The data is stored in cloud server at remote data centers and can be accessed from anywhere using the secured user login. It enables the secure data back up as the users no more need to store their data on physical disk or drives.
5 Reasons to choose an online back up on Cloud:
Secured: Online backup on cloud is highly secured because the data is encrypted before storing into the cloud vault. And the user is given the code for decoding the encryption and thereby accessing the data. So, online cloud backup service protects the mission-critical business data.
Agile: Accessing data with online back up on cloud is very convenient, which was earlier not there because the external storage devices had so many hassles- from carrying them along, careful handling, risk of virus infection to damages due to physical reasons. While online cloud back up allows you to access your data simply by logging into your account from anywhere, anytime, connecting to the remote cloud server data centers.
Affordable: Online backup through Cloud hosting services incur lesser costs than the traditional backup and storage devices like CD ROMs and external disks and drives.
Eliminates the limits of traditional back up machines: Traditional CDs, DVDs, pen drives and other external drives were very much susceptible to getting lost, easily got corrupted due to virus infection or some physical mishandling. Besides, on getting obsolete it could get UN-readable and data may even get damaged and irreparable.
Reliable: Agile, affordable, encrypted data and secured login solutions by online cloud back up makes it extremely reliable.
Reasons to choose an online back up on Virtual Private Server:
Self-managed: FTP backup feature on VPS server also enables self-managed scheduled backups for securing users' data.
Secured: Online backup on Virtual Private Server comes with Secured FTP login which makes it highly secured as it encrypts the data.
Affordable: The costs involved in online back up on VPS server is very less especially compared to traditional backup devices.
Scalable: Besides, online backup on VPS is easily scalable. For increasing storage needs, the data backup services are expandable with enough bandwidth.
High Performance: This reliable and secured online data back up on VPS allows the users/clients to focus on their prime business, resulting into better performance and better results.