VMware Virtual SAN (VSAN) Fundamentals -
VMware Virtual SAN is VMware's converged storage for vSphere. Watch...
Software-defined Storage
Software-defined storage (SDS) is an evolving concept for computer data storage software to manage policy-based provisioning and management of data storage independent of hardware. Software-defined storage definitions typically include a form of storage virtualization to separate the storage hardware from the software that manages the storage infrastructure. The software enabling a software-defined storage environment may also provide policy management for feature options such as deduplication, replication, thin provisioning, snapshots and backup.
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Server & Storage Management
IT Courses
vSphere 6 Data Center: Configure Advanced Storage -
This course is the fourth in a Learning Path of eleven courses that...
Introduction to EMC ViPR 2.2 -
This course provides an introduction to EMC ViPR, a software-define...
Play by Play: Leveraging Storage Policies in vSphere with PowerShell -
Learn the core concepts of Storage Policy Based Management and how ...
IT Blogs & Reviews
How flash storage provides competitive edge for Canadia... |
Dana on 22 September 16
The next BriefingsDirect Voice of the Customer digital business transformation case ...
How software-defined storage translates into just-in-ti... |
Dana on 09 August 16
The next BriefingsDirect Voice of the Customer case study examines how hosting provider ...
Server & Storage Management
IT Blogs & Reviews
Lotus Notes to Office 365 migration |
Max on 24 May 19
Office 365 is getting mainstream step by step. Office 365 executes quickly, for ...
Tech Stack for Live Video Streaming App Development |
Trycia on 04 April 19
The debate about live streaming has continued, and many keep doubting such technology. ...
How HPC supports 'continuous integration of new ideas' ... |
Dana on 28 March 19
The next BriefingsDirect extreme use-case for high-performance computing (HPC) examines ...
Making the Case for a Career in IT |
Jesse on 21 March 19
Whether you’re a college student looking to get started in a promising career ...
A new Mastercard global payments model creates a templa... |
Dana on 06 March 19
The next BriefingsDirect cloud adoption best practices discussion focuses on some of the ...
Where the rubber meets the road: How users see the IT4I... |
Dana on 05 March 19
The next BriefingsDirect IT operations strategy panel discussion explores how the ...