Combining Procedural Animation and Rigid Body Dynamics in Houdini
Course Summary
In this series of lessons, we're going to be using random seeds to generate variations on one animation system using a SOP solver with DOPs. Software required: Houdini 11.0.
Course Description
In this series of lessons, we're going to be using random seeds to generate variations on one animation system using a SOP solver with DOPs. We'll learn how to build a procedural SOP Network and simulate its behavior using a SOP Solver in tandem with RBD. We will light and shade this geometry to build an animation system that can be run to create an infinite number of possibilities. Software required: Houdini 11.0.
Course Syllabus
Introduction and Project Overview- 1m 37s
—Introduction and Project Overview 1m 37sCombining Procedural Animation and Rigid Body Dynamics in Houdini- 3h 20m
—Laying Out the Boxes 9m 39s
—Creation of Arbitrary Parameters 3m 34s
—Using Chops 3m 3s
—Further Manipulation of Scale Values 2m 17s
—Using Color Attribute 2m 35s
—Using the Seed 5m 21s
—Using a ForEach SOP 3m 15s
—Using the Multi-line Expression Editor 7m 46s
—Storing Point Attributes 5m 25s
—Introduction to DOPs 5m 9s
—Optimizing Our Simulation 9m 24s
—Using the MultiSolver 5m 50s
—Introduction to the SOP Solver 4m 3s
—Building the SOP Solver's Network Contents 18m 27s
—Cooking Our First Simulation 4m 26s
—Saving the Simulation Data 2m 5s
—Exporting Custom Simulations 7m 31s
—Filename Strings 3m 9s
—Filtering Motion Using Temporal Smoothing 13m 57s
—Snapping Boxes to the Motion 12m 8s
—Procedural Modeling 5m 56s
—Copy Stamping 6m 8s
—Shading and Lighting 21m 40s
—Attaching String Attributes 31m 22s
—Overview of a Mantra Output Driver and PBR 1m 55s
—Reviewing Pass Management 4m 32s