Developing a Real World Application With Kendo UI
Course Summary
In this course you'll learn how you can use Kendo UI to build real world web applications.
Course Description
Since the dawn of developer tooling and frameworks 99.9% of demos and tutorials have focused on doing flashy things that are rarely applicable to the types of applications that the majority of developers create. In this course you'll see how you can use the Kendo UI JavaScript toolset to accomplish all the things the typical line of business application needs to do from a UI perspective using HTML5 and Kendo UI… and along the way we may even add some of those flashy things too
Course Syllabus
Developing a Real World Application with Kendo UI- 7m 0s
—Introduction 0m 36s
—Agenda 0m 25s
—Kendo UI Overview 0m 57s
—What We'll Be Building 1m 38s
—Development Process 1m 18s
—The Tools 1m 20s
—Summary 0m 46sSprint 1: Kendo UI, Navigation Menu, Maintenance Screens- 54m 49s
—Introduction 0m 13s
—Agenda 0m 24s
—Planning The Sprint 0m 39s
—Adding Kendo UI to Project 3m 33s
—Coding The Navigation Menu 10m 45s
—Makes Maintenance Screen 14m 32s
—Models Maintenance Screen 4m 5s
—Model Details Maintenance Screen 19m 53s
—Summary 0m 45sSprint 2: The Public Dream Car Shopper Site- 22m 40sSprint 3: Dream Car Shopper Goes Mobile- 29m 13s