Developing for Windows 7
Course Summary
Learn how to develop for the new features in Windows 7
Course Description
The release of Windows 7 brings with it a myriad of new features and APIs, including restart management, task dialogs, and Windows Search. Learn how to migrate your existing applications from Windows XP to Windows 7, and make your applications light up on the new platform.
Course Syllabus
Introducing Windows 7 for Developers- 36m 27s
—Overview 3m 14s
—Managed vs. Unmanaged Code 2m 27s
—Good, Better, Best 2m 52s
—Application Migration 8m 28s
—Taskbar 4m 43s
—Task Dialogs 2m 18s
—Application Restart and Recovery 3m 21s
—Windows Search 2m 0s
—Multitouch 5m 29s
—Summary 0m 32s
—References 1m 3sApplication Migration- 1h 1m
—Overview 1m 57s
—XP Mode 0m 58s
—Session 0 Isolation 3m 18s
—DEMO: Service UI and Isolation 6m 34s
—Services Improvements 4m 6s
—Services Best Practices 2m 9s
—DEMO: Demand-Start and Trigger-Start services 7m 52s
—UAC Changes 3m 35s
—UAC Virtualization 2m 9s
—DEMO: UAC Virtualization 3m 32s
—Registry Virtualization 2m 11s
—UI Privilege Isolation 2m 16s
—DEMO: UI Privilege Isolation 3m 9s
—Version and Feature Checking 3m 3s
—High DPI Scenarios 5m 13s
—Installer Detection 3m 4s
—DEMO: Installer Detection 4m 42s
—Summary 1m 19sRestart/Recovery and Power APIs- 47m 48sTask Dialogs- 34m 58sWindows Search- 57m 16s
This course is listed under
Development & Implementations
, Enterprise Applications
, Industry Specific Applications
, Data & Information Management
and Networks & IT Infrastructure
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