Improving User Interface Design with Android Fragments
Course Summary
In this course we look at how to use Android Fragments to improve your app's adaptability to device differences and enhance your app's user experience.
Course Description
Available to all Android platforms, 1.6 and above, Fragments now replace Activities as the primary canvas for UI design. Fragments address a number of key UI design issues. In this course we discuss how to use Fragments to improve your app’s adaptability to device differences, provider better UI modularization, enhance your app’s appearance, and improve your app’s usability by creating more context-aware user experiences.
Course Syllabus
Fragment Basics- 44m 45s
—Introduction 1m 10s
—Fragments and UI Modularization 3m 58s
—Creating Fragments 2m 36s
—Demo: Creating Fragments 5m 53s
—Coordinating Fragment Content 4m 15s
—Demo: Coordinating Fragment Content 8m 37s
—Supporting Fragments Across Activities 1m 42s
—Demo: Supporting Fragments Across Activities 8m 16s
—Button Click Handling and Fragments 1m 32s
—Demo: Button Click Handling and Fragments 5m 14s
—Summary 1m 32sFragment Transactions- 35m 45s
—Introduction 0m 41s
—Dynamically Managing Fragments 5m 59s
—Demo: Dynamically Managing Fragments 7m 33s
—Managing Fragment State 3m 51s
—Demo: Managing Fragment State 3m 7s
—FragmentTransactions and the back button 2m 30s
—Demo: FragmentTransactions and the back button 1m 58s
—Programmatically moving through the back stack 2m 59s
—Demo: Programmatically moving through the back stack 5m 11s
—Summary 1m 56sFragments lifecycle and specialization- 55m 22sFragments and the ActionBar- 45m 38s