Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber
Course Summary
Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey.
Course Description
Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey: you'll learn the main principles behind test-driven development, and you'll see how to write acceptance, controller, and model specs. You'll also learn how to use Factory Girl gem to prepare data for your specs and how to test most common cases in web development. By the end of this course, you'll see how all these parts come together while we test-drive features for real Rails applications.
Course Syllabus
Introduction- 3m 35s
—Course Overview 2m 35s
—Course Prerequisites 1m 0sTDD 101- 51m 58s
—Overview 0m 48s
—Red - Green - Refactor 4m 15s
—Red - Green - Refactor Demo 7m 11s
—Test Structure 1m 25s
—RSpec 101 12m 15s
—Bowling Game Kata - Rules 5m 2s
—Bowling Game Kata - Demo 16m 3s
—Bowling Game Kata - Lessons Learned 1m 23s
—Different Types of Tests 3m 0s
—Summary 0m 31sAcceptance Tests- 51m 48sControllers Tests- 49m 5sModels Tests- 21m 48sTesting in Isolation- 34m 7sTesting Other Cases- 33m 35sTest-drive Complete Feature- 30m 3sClosing Thoughts- 1m 40s