Creating JavaScript Modules with Browserify
Course Summary
This course introduces the Browserify module loader for JavaScript. In this course, we will learn how to use Browserify to define code modules when building a web application.
Course Description
This course introduces the Browserify module loader for JavaScript. In this course, we will learn how to use Browserify to define code modules when building a web application. We will also discuss the structure of CommonJS modules, and how Node.js handles module loading, since these concepts are central to how Browserify works. Unit testing with Browserify will also be demonstrated.
Course Syllabus
Getting Started with Modules and Browserify- 5m 59s
—Introduction 1m 42s
—What Are Modules? 3m 20s
—Summary 0m 56sDefining and Requiring Modules- 21m 14s
—Introduction 0m 22s
—Setting up a Browserify Project 2m 8s
—Defining Modules 3m 27s
—Requiring 3rd Party Modules 4m 9s
—Requiring Local Modules 4m 46s
—Running Browserify 1m 56s
—Modules Are Cached 2m 54s
—Summary 1m 28sEasing the Development Process- 16m 19sUsing Transforms and Plugins- 12m 38sUnit Testing Browserify Modules- 16m 57s