Getting Started with VMware vSphere Security Design Training
- 9m 9s
0m 49s
—Why vSphere Security is Critical Knowledge
2m 7s
—What You Will Learn in This Course
2m 17s
—Lab Setup
2m 50s
—What We Covered
1m 6s
About Your Instructors
- 9m 18s
—About Jason Nash
4m 28s
—About Lane Leverett
4m 50s
Introduction to Information Security Concepts
- 45m 56s
2m 24s
—The Many Layers of Security in a Virtual Environment
5m 18s
—The Fundamentals: A Security Primer
2m 49s
—AAA Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
4m 45s
—Standard Terminology
5m 40s
—CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
5m 5s
—The Different Shapes and Sizes of Potential Attackers
6m 9s
—The Steps of an Attempted Attack
3m 15s
—The Process for Developing and Maintaining Good Security
2m 36s
—Security Tools
6m 5s
—What We Covered
1m 50s
Security Priorities in a Virtual Environment
- 28m 33s
1m 19s
—Is Virtualization Secure?
9m 13s
—Is The Hypervisor a Security Weakness?
1m 24s
1m 46s
—Common Worries About virtualization Security
2m 59s
—Types of Security Threats
1m 57s
—Impact of Virtualization of Security
2m 48s
—What is VMware Doing About Security?
2m 18s
—Regular Tasks a Good Admin Should Perform
1m 43s
—What We Covered
3m 6s
Security Technologies
- 27m 24s
—What Do I Need to Protect What?
2m 57s
—Pairing Assets to Security Technology
3m 49s
—vSphere Authentication
2m 0s
—Who Has Access to Your Environment?
1m 41s
—Creating Local VSphere Users
3m 14s
—VSphere Host Authentication
1m 38s
—Integration with Active Directory
5m 15s
—The VI Firewall
0m 49s
—Integrating Security in with the Hypervisor by Using VMsafe
1m 1s
—Using vShield to Secure Application and Guests
1m 53s
—Keeping Hosts and Guests Updated with Update Manager
1m 11s
—What We Covered
1m 56s
vNetwork Security Architecture
- 28m 23s
1m 8s
—Deployment Types for Different Trust Zones
2m 48s
—Partially Collapsed with Separate Physical Trust Zones
3m 19s
—Partially Collapsed with Separate Virtual Trust Zones
1m 42s
—Fully Collapsed Trust Zones
2m 16s
—Top 10 Common Mistakes and Recommendations
5m 34s
—Security Considerations with the Standard vSphere vSwitch
2m 35s
—Security Considerations with the vSphere vdSwitch
1m 15s
—Layering Additional Functionally with the Cisco Nexus 1000v
2m 33s
—Protecting Your Management Communications
2m 1s
—Isolating Management
1m 20s
—What We Covered
1m 52s
Securing vNetwork Configuration
- 1h 44m
1m 54s
—Security Considerations in Your vNetwork Design
5m 5s
—Configuring the vNetwork for Different Trust Zones
0m 46s
—Implementing VLANs and Network Separation
12m 59s
—Using and Configuring Private VLANs (PVLANS)
6m 18s
—vSwitch Security Configuration
3m 49s
—Using and Configuring the vSphere dvSwitch
20m 52s
—Overview of the Cisco Nexus 1000v Distributed Switch
7m 9s
—Deploy and Configure of the Cisco Nexus 1000v Distributed Switch
17m 21s
—Configure Physical Ports and VM Port-Groups
25m 20s
—What We Covered
3m 8s
Working with SSL Certificates
- 32m 53s
1m 17s
—An Overview on How SSL Works and Why We Use It
4m 57s
—How VMware Uses SSL
1m 23s
—Example of an SSL Negotiation
1m 46s
—Let's Talk About Digital Certificates
1m 39s
—Getting Rid of That Annoying SSL Warning in vCenter!
1m 5s
—Using Internal Versus Generating 'Real' Certificates
1m 44s
—Protect Your Certificates!
1m 34s
—Installing Your Own Certificates
0m 37s
—About the Digital Certificate Files
1m 9s
—How to Replace Existing SSL Certificates
13m 55s
—What We Covered
1m 47s
Hardening the vCenter Server System
- 19m 33s
1m 15s
—Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting with vCenter
1m 11s
—Best Practices for Deploying and Protecting vCenter
8m 15s
—Hardening the Underlying Operating System
1m 54s
—Don't forget the vSphere Client!
2m 14s
—Monitoring the vCenter Logs
2m 42s
—What We Covered
2m 2s