Exchange Server 2013 Unified Messaging
Course Summary
This course will help you learn how to configure Unified Messaging within your environment so that your end-users can benefit from a solution that is already built-in and waiting for you to use.
Course Description
Unified Messaging is a set of services in Exchange 2013 that allow you to provide a universal Inbox that includes voicemails, emails and, if configured with a 3rd party provider, incoming fax. It also provides the ability for end users to call into the system and interact and listen to emails and such through Outlook Voice Access (OVA) and see transcriptions of email through voicemail preview. However, there is a complexity level attached and unfamiliar ground for most IT folks into the world of telephony to get UM up and running. This course will help you learn how to configure Unified Messaging within your environment so that your end-users can benefit from a solution that is already built-in and waiting for you to use.
Course Syllabus
Introduction- 9m 37s
—Introduction 1m 9s
—Who is J. Peter Bruzzese 1m 51s
—What Is This Course About? 2m 38s
—Lab Setup 3m 2s
—Summary 0m 54sAn Overview of Unified Messaging- 19m 1s
—Introduction 0m 44s
—Unified Messaging Services 7m 54s
—Top 10 Unified Messaging Features 9m 41s
—Summary 0m 40sPrerequisites for Unified Messaging- 28m 42sUnderstanding Unified Messaging Components- 31m 30sConfigure Unified Messaging- 25m 5sTroubleshoot Unified Messaging- 26m 11sHigh Availability and Load Balancing of Unified Messaging- 13m 59sMigrate Unified Messaging- 21m 24sMonitor Unified Messaging- 16m 1sUnified Messaging: Going Further- 18m 39s