Enhancing Automotive Design Concepts in 3ds Max and Photoshop
Course Summary
In this series of tutorials, we will learn how to improvise a car design using 3ds Max and Photoshop. Software required: 3ds Max, Photoshop, HDR Light Studio.
Course Description
In this series of tutorials, we will learn how to improvise a car design using 3ds Max and Photoshop. This training is partly design-based and partly skill-based, covering tips and tricks to do with designing, improvising ideas, and modeling as efficiently as possible. We will look at how to edit existing models and create clean topology and details more quickly using various tools in 3ds Max. We will take existing car models to help generate ideas directly in 3D. From there we will create various working-models to help us find inspiration and develop a finished design. We'll be introducing you to some fast methods in Photoshop to rework quick renders of your working models to generate some concept images to get you started. We will look at improvising wheels, a grill, and the lights to finish up the design. Lastly, we'll go over a straightforward method to render out visuals of your work so you can present your models and design more effectively. Software required: 3ds Max, Photoshop, HDR Light Studio.
Course Syllabus
Introduction and Project Overview- 1m 5s
—Introduction and Project Overview 1m 5sEnhancing Automotive Design Concepts in 3ds Max and Photoshop- 10h 42m
—Discussing the Design 16m 20s
—Introduction to Optimizing Models and Constraints 15m 12s
—Moving the Model Features 11m 50s
—Improvising a Front Fender 26m 6s
—Continuing to Improvise a Front Fender 21m 24s
—Using the Ffd Modifier 7m 39s
—Design Considerations 16m 14s
—Saving Methods in 3ds Max 7m 53s
—Improvising New Forms on the Odp Concept 9m 23s
—Shaders for 3D Modeling 9m 52s
—Looking at Design Problems 13m 43s
—Creating Forms on the Bonnet Area 24m 12s
—Using Weights to Create a Sharp Edge 12m 35s
—Tweaking the Front 19m 51s
—Correcting Improvised Topology 15m 26s
—Improvising a New Headlight Area 21m 51s
—Creating Front Bumper Details 6m 23s
—Mocking-up a New Back 17m 49s
—Tweaking and Studying the Back 15m 46s
—Comparing Two Working Designs 16m 34s
—Viewport Lighting 6m 1s
—Rapid Concept Renders 8m 6s
—Rapid Concept Variations 20m 6s
—Rapid Concept Art from 3D Models 16m 18s
—Concept Art Detailing 12m 8s
—Generating Plans from Your Working Models 8m 23s
—Starting the Finished Bodywork 6m 58s
—Setting up Our Key Points 4m 18s
—Working on the Fender Area 5m 15s
—Creating Clean Topology Around the Headlight 9m 14s
—Creating Clean Topology on the Front Bumper 5m 42s
—Soft Select with Negative Bubble Settings 3m 9s
—Creating Some Forms for the Back End 14m 54s
—Putting in Doors and Finishing Details 14m 20s
—Creating an Air-vent Detail 11m 56s
—Creating a Chrome Detail 14m 11s
—Making the Grill Geometry 11m 20s
—Fitting a Curved Grill 13m 11s
—Improvising Alloy Wheels 9m 37s
—Taking the Wheel Design Further 22m 36s
—Finishing Details of the Wheels 16m 43s
—Fixing the Topology at the Center of the Wheels 14m 38s
—Looking at Wheel Variations 4m 46s
—Fitting Shapes as Separate Geometry 11m 9s
—Setting up the Back Lights 6m 16s
—Bridging the Back Light Shapes 9m 4s
—Finishing Details of the Back Lights 8m 53s
—Render Setup in 3ds Max 9m 17s
—Setting up the HDR Light Studio Environment 14m 17s
—Photoshop Setup 11m 21s
—Glow and Lens Flares 12m 28s