Getting Started with Phoenix
Course Summary
Phoenix is the de facto web framework for Elixir. This course will teach you the basics of Phoenix by walking through building an Elixir application.
Course Description
In order to deliver an Elixir application over the web, it's essential to understand certain key concepts, such as models and views. With this course, Getting Started with Phoenix, you'll learn about how a functional programming language (Elixir) presents an application on the web. You'll see a way to structure your project that keeps application logic separate from presentation logic. You will also learn how to deploy your application, so that it doesn't just reside on your computer. By the end of the course, you'll have an application that you can use for future reference and be equipped to start writing new web applications with Phoenix and Elixir.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 11s
—Course Overview 1m 11sWhat Is Phoenix?- 18m 39s
—What Is Phoenix? 3m 17s
—Components of Phoenix 4m 28s
—Umbrella Application 6m 52s
—Live Reloading 1m 41s
—What's on Tap? 2m 19sEcto Models & Migrations- 32m 21sControllers and Views: Fetching & Displaying Data- 25m 34sTemplates: Laying out the View- 20m 8sPutting It Together: Creating an Event- 16m 47sPlugs- 17m 10sChannels: Real-time Communication- 19m 58sDeployment- 11m 29sRecap & Where to Go- 8m 40s