Introduction to NopCommerce Plugin Development
Course Summary
This course explores NopCommerce - a popular, open source E-commerce platform built on ASP.NET MVC. In this course we will build a compelling plugin from start to finish and examine common development patterns and tasks along the way.
Course Description
NopCommerce is a modern, open source E-commerce platform built on ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, and other great technologies. This course explores the platform in detail and demonstrates how to customize and extend it. Plugins are the main extension point for NopCommerce, so we will build a real world plugin from start to finish. Along the way we will explore how great design patterns like Dependency Injection and Repositories work within this framework. We will also cover supporting technologies like Autofac and Kendo UI. By the end of the course, you will feel comfortable building your own plugins customized to your E-commerce ventures.
Course Syllabus
Introduction to NopCommerce Plugin Development- 33m 36s
—Introduction 0m 39s
—Course Overview 2m 34s
—NopCommerce Platform Overview 3m 14s
—NopCommerce Technology Overview 3m 28s
—Installing NopCommerce 6m 16s
—Plugins Overview 5m 17s
—Touring Our Finished Plugin 3m 42s
—Setting Up Our Plugin Project 7m 38s
—Summary 0m 45sData Access and Infrastructure- 27m 15s
—Introduction 1m 21s
—Exploring the Domain Classes 4m 50s
—Creating the Mapping Classes 5m 50s
—Working with the Plugin Object Context 7m 41s
—Implementing Dependency Injection 6m 39s
—Summary 0m 51sPlugin Configuration and Setup- 15m 9sBuilding the Admin Interface- 38m 30sEnhancing the Admin Pages with Kendo UI- 22m 23sBuilding the Slider Widget- 15m 3sPolishing the Plugin User Experience- 20m 57sCommon NopCommerce Development Tasks- 28m 28s