Advanced Angular Workflows
Course Summary
In this course, you will get to see some best practices for keeping large applications maintainable and ways to manage Angular workflows.
Course Description
As you advance in your knowledge of Angular and your applications grow in size, you can be bombarded with a large variety of tooling to use. In this course, Advanced Angular Workflows, you will work through some of the problems that arise as your applications grow and the best tools available to help keep your applications maintainable. First, you will see how to go about setting up minification with for your application. Next, you will work with sourcemaps and see how they make debugging possible again, as well as setting up the Babel compiler to make your new ES6 code work with multiple browsers. Finally, you will set up multiple build paths to make your files production ready. When you're finished with this course, you'll be better prepared to manage your entire Angular workflow.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 16s
—Course Overview 1m 16sThe State of Angular Tooling- 15m 35s
—Intoduction 1m 52s
—What Are We Talking About? 4m 55s
—Workflow Processing with Gulp 2m 49s
—Installing Node 1m 46s
—Installing Gulp 2m 38s
—Our First Gulp Task 1m 33sBundling- 15m 25sDebugging and Source Maps- 10m 25sUsing ES6 with Babel- 14m 12sValidating Your Code- 24m 49sEnvironment Specific Deploys- 9m 42s