Design Patterns in C++: Behavioral - Chain of Responsibility to Memento
Course Summary
This course will teach you about Behavioral design patterns and their implementation in modern C++. This is part of a multi-course series on C++ patterns.
Course Description
The correct application and recognition of design patterns is an important skill for developers and architects. This course, Design Patterns in C++: Behavioral - Chain of Responsibility to Memento, introduces the viewer to Behavioral design patterns. It covers the Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, and Memento design patterns. You'll be shown different ways in which these patterns can be implemented in modern C++ (C++ 11 and beyond). By the end of this course, you'll be more familiar with Behavioral design patterns in C++. Software required: a C++ IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, CLion) or a text editor (e.g., VIM, EMACS) together with a C++ compiler (e.g., GCC, Clang).
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 26s
—Course Overview 1m 26sChain of Responsibility- 29m 49s
—Course Overview 2m 3s
—Module Overview 0m 35s
—Motivation 2m 32s
—Command Query Separation 1m 13s
—Pointer Chain 12m 36s
—Broker Chain 9m 59s
—Summary 0m 47sCommand- 19m 35sInterpreter- 38m 4sIterator- 31m 22sMediator- 29m 2sMemento- 19m 43s