Windows Runtime Internals
Course Summary
Discover the compilers, tools, mechanics, and abstractions that make up the Windows Runtime’s component architecture.
Course Description
This course will help you understand how the class-based component abstraction presented by Windows Runtime language projections is actually implemented in terms of traditional COM interfaces. You will learn all about the tools and compilers that are necessary to build rich components entirely with Standard C++ in the most efficient manner. You will discover how abstractions like constructors and static methods are implemented with activation factories. You will learn how delegates and events are actually implemented with COM interfaces and lock-free algorithms. And you will discover the weird and wonderful way that the Windows Runtime uses C++ templates to simulate CLR generics using parameterized interfaces.
Course Syllabus
Introduction- 3m 3s
—Introduction 3m 3sWindows Runtime Apps- 35m 50s
—Introduction 2m 11s
—Core Apps in C# 8m 27s
—Core Apps in C++/CX 7m 4s
—Core Apps in Standard C++ 15m 40s
—Summary 2m 27sWindows Runtime Components- 42m 11sConstructors and Statics- 23m 19sDelegates and Events- 31m 12sGenerics- 23m 44sSummary- 1m 44s