Practical SQL Server Security, Compliance, and Auditing
Course Summary
This course is a practical approach to leveraging SQL Server to meet the needs of your industry compliance, audit, security, and encryption standards.
Course Description
Nearly every professional industry must adhere to some form of professional standard, regulation, or legislative requirement. While requirements vary, many of the approaches and methods you as the technical administrator will employ can be standardized across many tools available within SQL Server. In this course, Practical SQL Server Security, Compliance, and Auditing, you'll learn the most relevant features including new ones such as Always Encrypted released with SQL 2016. First, you'll discover how to use auditing features that are found within SQL Server. Next, you'll explore how to establish good sound encryption including capabilities that are new to SQL Server such as the 2016 release. Finally, you'll learn how SQL Server manages the different principles in groups and logical organizations of objects within a database instance. By the end of this course, you'll learn valuable security and auditing information in SQL Server.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 33s
—Course Overview 1m 33sUnderstanding Regulatory Compliance- 17m 40s
—Course Intro 4m 9s
—Course Module Summary 5m 2s
—Intro to HIPAA 3m 11s
—Intro to SOX 2m 14s
—Intro to PCI and Internal Audits 3m 1sImplementing Security with Users, Groups, and Roles- 34m 19sModeling Schemas to Support Security Best Practices- 17m 42sProtecting Sensitive Data With Encryption- 32m 18sProtecting Sensitive Data in Transit- 26m 32sSetting up Compliance Enforcement, Monitoring, and Logging- 38m 46sWatching the Watcher with SQL Audit- 28m 3sPassing Audits with Compliance Reports and Documentation- 23m 26s