Scaling Applications with Microservices and NServiceBus 6
Course Summary
This course teaches .NET programmers what microservices are and how to implement them with NServiceBus.
Course Description
Letting each service communicate reliably in a distributed application is a real challenge. In this course, Scaling Applications with Microservices and NServiceBus 6, you'll see that it doesn't have to be difficult if you use the NServiceBus framework. First, you'll discover distributed applications theory and where microservices and the service bus come in. Next, you'll explore message-based microservice architecture using NServiceBus. Then, you'll learn modeling workflows with NServiceBus sagas. Finally, you'll learn how to use NServiceBus tools to monitor message workflow. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to create a distributed application with messaging using NServiceBus.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 26s
—Course Overview 1m 26sDistributed Applications, Microservices, and the Service Bus- 47m 38s
—Introduction 1m 30s
—Monolithic Applications 8m 55s
—Demo: Simplified Monolithic App 2m 22s
—Distributed Applications 8m 53s
—RPC and REST 6m 55s
—Demo: Simplified SOA App 2m 28s
—Microservices 12m 6s
—The Service Bus 3m 8s
—Summary 1m 17sMessaging with NServiceBus- 49m 30sModeling Workflows with NServiceBus Sagas- 23m 33sBeyond the Basics with NServiceBus- 47m 57sMonitoring Your NServiceBus Services- 16m 51s