Information Security Manager: Information Security Governance
Course Summary
Governance is the driving force in managing an information security program and protecting information technology assets. In this course, you'll learn how governance directly affects security management, strategy, compliance, and the organization.
Course Description
While protecting information assets is the primary goal of an information security program, governance sets the requirements for how the program must function within the compliance context. Organizations must operate their security programs in compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and standards. In this course, Information Security Manager: Information Security Governance, you'll gain solid foundational knowledge on the governance aspect of security, as well as skills you can use to effectively manage security compliance in your organization. First, you'll explore how both internal and external governance affect the organization, how information security strategy supports the mission and overall organizational strategy, and the different roles and responsibilities involved in the security program. Next, you'll learn how to write business cases to support security budgets and investments. Finally, you'll cover stakeholders and how to communicate the security strategy to them and gain their commitment to it. By the end of this course, you'll be well-versed in information security governance and how it affects an information security program.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 31s
—Course Overview 1m 31sFormulating Information Security Strategy- 36m 24s
—Organizational Vision, Culture, Mission, Goals, and Objectives 3m 21s
—Scenario: Organizational Characteristics of Globomantics 2m 10s
—Organizational Business Processes and Functions 3m 20s
—Scenario: Globomantics’ Functions and Processes 3m 10s
—Strategy and the Organizational Mission 5m 13s
—Scenario: Globomantics’ Organizational and IS Strategies 2m 0s
—Developing the Information Security Strategy 7m 36s
—Scenario: Developing Globomantics’ IS Strategy 3m 28s
—Implementing Information Security Strategy 4m 34s
—Summary 1m 26sIntegrating Information Security Governance Concepts- 31m 19sWriting Information Security Policies- 33m 53sCreating Business Cases- 38m 1sInfluencing Security Strategy and Governance- 36m 47sGaining Stakeholder Commitment- 32m 45sInformation Security Management Roles and Responsibilities- 31m 12sDemystifying Security Metrics- 28m 18s