Adopting AWS: Watch This First
Course Summary
AWS is the biggest cloud provider in the world. This course will teach you how to get going on AWS, including initial account structure, security setup, starting project, and give you a guide to the services of AWS.
Course Description
It can be confusing and intimidating to get started on AWS, especially if you want to follow best practices. This course, Adopting AWS: Watch This First, will help you meet that challenge by giving you a solid starting point for working with AWS. First, you'll learn the initial AWS setup. Then you'll move on by learning how how to start on your first project. Finally, you'll get an overview of the available AWS services. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and tools to confidently run AWS projects, and you will be ready to take on more advanced AWS topics.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 42s
—Course Overview 1m 42sUsing Multiple Accounts- 17m 12s
—Why Have Multiple Accounts? 5m 59s
—Common Account Structures 6m 40s
—Common Security Relationships 2m 38s
—Start Simple and Iterate 1m 53sSecuring Your Accounts- 37m 29sManaging Your Bill- 18m 43sChoose a First Project- 21m 40sKeeping a Map- 23m 13sThinking Like a Cloud- 19m 55s