Highly Available Cloud Storage with DRBD
Course Summary
OpenStack makes up the majority of the Open Source Cloud in today's enterprise market. You can now add highly available volumes to your cloud instances using DRBD integration with Cinder, enabling you to deploy your own cloud storage solutions.
Course Description
With the prevalence of OpenStack and virtual machines creeping evermore into your enterprise, you have to cater for providing highly available cloud instances. The last thing you want to do is have to alter each instance to support HA, so being able to provision this as a cloud service is paramount. In this course, Highly Available Cloud Storage with DRBD, you'll cover how to utilize highly available cloud instances. First, you'll begin by learning how to build up your multi-node cloud environment using DevStack. Next, you'll explore how to manage Cinder, the cloud volume service and how storage backends are configured. Finally, you'll discover how to use DRBD and integrate highly available storage devices into your cloud. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge needed to deploy your own cost-effective cloud storage solutions. Software required: Ubuntu 16.04.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 35s
—Course Overview 1m 35sIntroduction to LINBIT and DRBD- 14m 21s
—Introducing LINBIT and DRBD 5m 14s
—Working with Kernel Modules in Linux 2m 54s
—DRBD HA and DRBD SDS 1m 26s
—Investigating the LINBIT Website 3m 13s
—Summary and What's Next 1m 33sCreating the OpenStack Lab Environment- 39m 38sDeploy OpenStack Using DevStack- 43m 36sDeploying DRBD 9- 31m 19sDeploy Volumes with DRBD Manage- 42m 19sCinder Configuration and Backends- 28m 30sTroubleshooting Cinder and DRBD- 24m 9s