Understanding Apache Flink
Course Summary
Apache Flink is a new forth generation Big Data processing tool that is changing the landscape of data processing technologies. This course teaches basic skills that you need to have to develop applications using Apache Flink.
Course Description
Year after year the world is generating more and more data, and to process it we need better and more sophisticated tools. Apache Flink is a new, next generation Big Data processing tool that is capable of complex stream and batch data processing. In this course, Understanding Apache Flink, you'll learn how to write simple and complex data processing applications using Apache Flink. First, you'll cover an overview how Apache Flink works under the hood, and what it brings to the world of Big Data. Next, you'll learn the ins and outs of how to process data utilizing Apache Flink. Finally, you'll explore how to apply Apache Flink in practice. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a solid understanding of how to write applications in Apache Flink, and will have a good foundation to learn more advanced Apache Flink features.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 1m 24s
—Course Overview 1m 24sIntroduction to Big Data and Apache Flink- 19m 49s
—Course Introduction 2m 6s
—Apache Flink Overview 2m 20s
—What Is Big Data? 3m 19s
—Apache Hadoop 2m 33s
—Apache Spark 1m 34s
—What Is New in Apache Flink? 2m 6s
—Apache Flink Architecture 1m 43s
—Installing Apache Flink 1m 16s
—Creating Apache Flink Project 1m 55s
—Conclusions 0m 51sProcessing Finite Amounts of Data- 42m 9sProcessing Infinite Streams of Data- 40m 16sConclusion- 2m 35s