SAP: Getting Started
Course Summary
This course introduces SAP and helps you experience it in a simple way through SAP GUI, explained in everyday language.
Course Description
Have you ever wondered about how to start learning SAP, but you refused to start it because others always say it's too hard? Do you spend a lots of time filling up the same selection fields in your regular reports over and over again? Do you perform time-wasting operations like filtering, drill-down, aggregation, and sorting in your regular ALV reports every single time? This course introduces SAP and helps you experience it in a simple way, explained in everyday language. If you already use SAP day to day, but you didn’t receive enough help at beginning, you might have a few bad habits that slow down your work. This course fills these gaps by learning the practical usage of SAP GUI.
Course Syllabus
Course Overview- 3m 6s
—Overview 3m 6sIntroduction to SAP- 35m 31s
—Overview 1m 40s
—What Is ERP? 11m 54s
—History of SAP 6m 55s
—What Is SAP? 2m 58s
—SAP Solutions 8m 13s
—Summary 3m 48sTechnical Overview of SAP Systems- 20m 23sYour First Experiences with SAP GUI- 38m 6sWorking with Transactions- 55m 41s