Automated Web Testing with Selenium
Course Summary
In this course you will learn how to use Selenium to write automated tests for web application and how to create a basic web application testing framework.
Course Description
Creating automated tests for a web application can be challenging. Two of the biggest barriers to getting started are picking an automation tool and developing a framework for writing the tests. This course explores how to use the popular browser automation framework, Selenium, to create automated tests for web applications. We will examine using Selenium to directly record from within a Firefox browser, as well as using C# to automate the web browser using Selenium's API. We will also explore how to distribute tests over multiple machines using Selenium Server's grid capabilities. The course concludes with the implementation of a simple, maintainable framework for testing a web application using Selenium.
Course Syllabus
Selenium Overview- 26m 45s
—Course Introduction 1m 44s
—What is Selenium? 3m 1s
—Why Automated Testing? 4m 31s
—History 2m 39s
—Architecture 4m 41s
—Selenium in Action 5m 4s
—Calling WebDriver Directly 3m 47s
—Summary 1m 18sSelenium IDE- 30m 44s
—Introduction 0m 48s
—Installing 1m 54s
—Selenium IDE Basics 1m 36s
—Recording a Test 1m 13s
—Running the Test 1m 9s
—Selenese 1m 2s
—Looking at Commands 2m 51s
—Creating Commands 5m 3s
—Verifications 1m 27s
—Using Assert and Verify 2m 43s
—Creating Test Suites 3m 45s
—Exporting 3m 27s
—Other Features 2m 41s
—Summary 1m 5sWebdriver Basics- 31m 56sAdvanced WebDriver- 31m 32sSelenium Server- 27m 48sBuilding a Framework- 53m 5s