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Cloud and DevOps Architect Masters Program

Course Summary

Our Cloud and DevOps Architect masters program lets you gain proficiency in Cloud and DevOps. You will work on real world projects in AWS, Azure, DevOps, Python, Java, Splunk, Linux and more. In this program you will cover 7 courses and 14 industry based projects

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    Course Syllabus

    Python Course Content

    Introduction to Python
    What is Python Language and features, Why Python and why it is different from other languages, Installation of Python, Anaconda Python distribution for Windows, Mac, Linux. Run a sample python script, working with Pyhton IDE’s. Running basic python commands – Data types, Variables,Keywords,etcHands-on Exercise – Install Anaconda Python distribution for your OS (Windows/Linux/Mac)
    Basic constructs of Python language
    Indentation(Tabs and Spaces) and Code Comments (Pound # character); Variables and Names; Built-in Data Types in Python – Numeric: int, float, complex – Containers: list, tuple, set, dict – Text Sequence: Str (String) – Others: Modules, Classes, Instances, Exceptions, Null Object, Ellipsis Object – Constants: False, True, None, NotImplemented, Ellipsis, __debug__; Basic Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison, Assignment, Logical, Bitwise, Membership, Indentity; Slicing and The Slice Operator [n:m]; Control and Loop Statements: if, for, while, range(), break, continue, else;Hands-on Exercise – Write your first Python program Write a Python Function (with and without parameters) Use Lambda expression Write a class, create a member function and a variable, Create an object Write a for loop to print all odd numbers
    Wrting Object Oriented Program in Python and connecting with Database
    Classes – classes and objects, access modifiers, instance and class members OOPS paradigm – Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation in Python. Functions: Parameters and Return Types; Lambda Expressions, Making connection with Database for pulling data.
    File Handling, Exception Handling in Python
    Open a File, Read from a File, Write into a File; Resetting the current position in a File; The Pickle (Serialize and Deserialize Python Objects); The Shelve (Overcome the limitation of Pickle); What is an Exception; Raising an Exception; Catching an Exception;Hands-on Exercise – Open a text file and read the contents, Write a new line in the opened file, Use pickle to serialize a python object, deserialize the object, Raise an exception and catch it
    Mathematical Computing with Python (NumPy)
    Arrays and Matrices, ND-array object, Array indexing, Datatypes, Array math Broadcasting, Std Deviation, Conditional Prob, Covariance and Correlation.Hands-on Exercise – Import numpy module, Create an array using ND-array, Calculate std deviation on an array of numbers, Calculate correlation between two variables
    Scientific Computing with Python (SciPy)
    Builds on top of NumPy, SciPy and its characteristics, subpackages: cluster, fftpack, linalg, signal, integrate, optimize, stats; Bayes Theorem using SciPyHands-on Exercise – Import SciPy, Apply Bayes theorem using SciPy on the given dataset
    Data Visualization (Matplotlib)
    Plotting Grapsh and Charts (Line, Pie, Bar, Scatter, Histogram, 3-D); Subplots; The Matplotlib APIHands-on Exercise – Plot Line, Pie, Scatter, Histogram and other charts using Matplotlib
    Data Analysis and Machine Learning (Pandas) OR Data Manipulation with Python
    Dataframes, NumPy array to a dataframe; Import Data (csv, json, excel, sql database); Data operations: View, Select, Filter, Sort, Groupby, Cleaning, Join/Combine, Handling Missing Values; Introduction to Machine Learning(ML); Linear Regression; Time SeriesHands-on Exercise – Import Pandas, Use it to import data from a json file,,Select records by a group and apply filter on top of that, View the records, Perform Linear Regression analysis, Create a Time Series
    Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning (Scikit-Learn)
    Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP); NLP approach for Text Data; Environment Setup (Jupyter Notebook); Sentence Analysis; ML Algorithms in Scikit-Learn; What is Bag of Words Model; Feature Extraction from Text; Model Training; Search Grid; Multiple Parameters; Build a PipelineHands-on Exercise – Setup Jupyter Notebook environment, Load a dataset in Jupyter, Use algorithm in Scikit-Learn package to perform ML techniques, Train a model Create a search grid
    Web Scraping for Data Science
    What is Web Scraping; Web Scraping Libraries (Beautifulsoup, Scrapy); Installation of Beautifulsoup; Install lxml Python Parser; Making a Soup Object using an input html; Navigating Py Objects in the Soup Tree; Searching the Tree; Output Print; Parsing Full or PartialHands-on Exercise – Install Beautifulsoup and lxml Python parser, Make a Soup object using an input html file, Navigate Py objects in the soup tree, Search tree, Print output
    Python on Hadoop
    Understanding Hadoop and its various components; Hadoop ecosystem and Hadoop common; HDFS and MapReduce Architecture; Python scripting for MapReduce Jobs on Hadoop frameworkHands-on Exercise – Write a basic MapReduce Job in Python and connect with Hadoop Framework to perform the task
    Writing Spark code using Python
    What is Spark,understanding RDDs, Spark Libs, writing Spark code using python,Spark Machine Libraries Mlib, Regression, Classification and Clustering using Spark MLlibHands-on Exercise – Implement sandbox, Run a python code in sandbox, Work with HDFS file system from sandbox

    DevOps Certification Course Content

    Infrastructure Setup
    Installation of – Git, jenkins, Ansible, Puppet, Docker,Chef,CVS, Clearcase,Nagios,Maven, DatabaseHands-on Exercise – All infra setup
    DevOps Foundation
    Market Trend and Career Scope for DevOps professionals, Desired Skillset of a DevOps Engineer,Cultural practices and Supporting Tools for smooth and continuous collaboration among Operations, Product Development, Testing, Build N Release, Deployment
    Software Version Control (aka Source Code Management) System
    Concepts of Version Control Systems, Git as SCM, Git Command Line, Git setup with CI tool Jenkins, SVN, CVS, ClearcaseHands-on Exercise – Create a git project, Checkout a branch, Create a file and add to git, Edit file, Commit the code, Set up Jenkins and integrate with Git
    Automating Build and Test
    Automating Builds with Maven and Ant, Building Delivery Pipeline in Jenkins (CI/CD), Test Automation, Security, Notification System in JenkinsHands-on Exercise – Create a Maven Project, Edit pom.xml file to install a version of junit, Set up build delivery pipeline, Set up notification alerts in Jenkins, Configure test plan in Jenkins
    Continuous Integration (CI)
    Frequent merge of code to a shared repository after which automated builds and tests are run using JenkinsHands-on Exercise – Commit code and check if Jenkins runs the build scripts and tests the code using automation script
    Docker Container Management
    What are Containers, Difference between VM and Container, Docker Fundamentals, Creating & Running Docker Images, Image Distribution, Creating Docker Registry, Compose Scripts, Remote Docker ImageHands-on Exercise – Configure a Docker, Create an image in Docker and run it
    Docker Commands and Best Practices.
    Networking concepts in Docker, Using Docker Volume and Creation of a Dockerfile, a text file to contain the commands to create an imageHands-on Exercise – Create a dockerfile with the commands to create an image, Create the image
    Configuration Management Tools (Infra As Code)
    Configuring Puppet, Using Puppet Manifests, puppet commandsHands-on Exercise – Install Puppet, Configure puppet, Use Knife commands for various operations
    Configuration Management Tools (Infra As Code)
    Puppet Modules, Node Classification, Puppet Classes, Puppet Template.Hands-on Exercise – Puppet Modules, classes, template creation
    Chef Fundamentals,Chef environment, Chef Cookbooks & Knife Commands. Node Object & Search, Data-bags, Roles, Deploying Nodes in Production and using the Open Source Chef Server, Vagrant fileHands-on Exercise – Install a chef server, Configure a Vagrant file and setup directory structure to create and run a Chef server, Install a chef-workstation, Create a user account in website, Generate a knife.rb file from the website to create a chef server
    Introduction to Ansible,Configuration,Writing Ansible Playbooks, Ansible based Configuration Management,Different Roles and Command Line usage.Hands-on Exercise – Write Ansible playbook, Assign different roles in configuration tool
    Performance and Automated Monitoring with Nagios and Project Work
    Introduction of Nagios, Nagios Setup, Commands, Objects, notifications, Configure Nagios to monitor webserver, Load Balancer (HAProxy, NginX), + Project 1 & project 2Hands-on Exercise – Perform Nagios and Netdata monitoring, Monitor the performance with Grafana, Setup Syslog and verify the logs are getting generated, Configure HAProxy server

    AWS Course Content

    Introduction to Cloud Computing & AWS
    Introduction to Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing models, AWS offerings Listing (EC2, VPC, AMI, EBS, ELB, Backup), Familiarizing with the AWS Architecture and AWS Management Console.Hands-on Exercise – Setting up of AWS account
    Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
    Overview of EC2, Elastic IP vs Public IP, Launching of AWS EC2 instance demo, Amazon Machine Images (AMI), Auto Scaling, Cost of EC2, Best Practices of EC2, Amazon backup services and various concepts, EC2 DemoHands-on Exercise – Launch an EC2 instance, Launch a Linux Virtual Machine on EC2, Hosting a website with an EC2 instance
    Amazon Virtual Public Cloud
    Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Persistent Storage, Amazon Glacier Storage, Amazon Storage Gateway, Amazon Snowball (Data Import/Export), AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), Billing with Amazon CloudWatchHands-on Exercise – Design a custom VPC with Public subnet, Check Route tables in VPC, Create security group and ACL
    Amazon Storage Services – 1
    Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Persistent Storage, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)Hands-on Exercise – Running AWS CLI commands, Storage Gateway, Connecting on-premise softare with cloud-based storage
    Amazon Storage Services – 2
    Simple Storage Service (S3)Hands-on Exercise – Create an Amazon S3 bucket; Hosting a static website on Amazon S3
    Amazon Storage Services – 3
    Amazon Glacier Storage, Amazon Storage Gateway, Amazon Snowball (Data Import/Export), Billing with Amazon CloudWatchHands-on Exercise – CloundWatch: Managing and Monitoring the AWS resources, CloundWatch: Configuring alerts and notifications, CloundWatch: Billing
    AWS Database Services – 1
    Relation Database: Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, NoSQL Database: Amazon DynamoDBHands-on Exercise – Create RDS DB instance, Create a Read Replica of above instance of RDS, Create Table in master RDS, Add Data to master RDS, Add Data to replica RDS, Create instance of MySql or Postgres in Aurora, Create NoSQL table in DynamoDB and run queries
    AWS Database Services – 2
    Data Warehouse: Amazon Redshift, In-memory Cache: Amazon ElastiCache, Database Migration: AWS Database Migration ServiceHands-on Exercise – Create RDS DB instance, Create a Read Replica of above instance of RDS, Create Table in master RDS, Add Data to master RDS, Add Data to replica RDS, Create instance of MySql or Postgres in Aurora, Create NoSQL table in DynamoDB and run queries
    AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) – Control user access
    Authentication (Who can use) and Authorization (Level of access), IAM Policies – JSON structure, Users, Groups and Their Roles, IAM HTTPS API, Logging IAM Events with AWS CloudTrailHands-on Exercise – Create JSON document to define access policy for users and groups, Use AWS CloudTrail tool to log IAM events.
    Load Balancing and AutoScaling
    What is a Fault Tolerant System, Features of Elastic Load Balancing, Two Types of Load Balancer: Classic and Application, How Auto Scaling works in AWS, Accessing Elastic Load Balancing: AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, HTTPS Query APIHands-on Exercise – Create an ELB, Configure an Auto Scaling Group, Make yourself familiar with Management Console
    Amazon Route 53
    What Is Amazon Route 53, Domain Name Registration, Routing Internet Traffic to Resources, Automated check of the health of ResourcesHands-on Exercise – Register a domain name, Configure the routing of internet traffic, Check the health of the resources using automation facility
    Amazon Application Services
    Elastic Beanstalk, Simple Email Services (SES), Simple Notification Service (SNS), AWS Lambda, Elastic OpsWorksHands-on Exercise – Run an app using Beanstalk, Send an email using SES, Enable notification service and generate notification, Copy object using Lambda, Model and provision your app using OpsWorks

    Azure Training Course Content

    Cloud essentials
    The introduction to cloud computing, the various characteristics of cloud, cloud computing service and deployment models.
    Azure Cloud computing
    Introduction to the Microsoft Azure cloud computing, Azure services, detailed Azure hosting models, services, and various deployment methods
    Azure Web App Service
    Designing and deploying Azure WebApp, scaling up and scaling out WebApp, application configuration settings.
    Azure for storing SQL data
    Introduction to SQL data, connecting to Azure database, moving on premise database to SQL database, Azure SQL database alerting and auditing.
    Storage service in Azure
    Introduction to storage in Azure, creation of storage account, working with storage tables, queues, Azure file storage system, using REST API on table storage.
    App service logic application
    Introduction to logic apps in Azure, creation of simple logic app, deploying API app in the logic app.
    App service API application
    Developing and publishing apps, client application for consuming API apps, single sign-on and OAuth.
    Azure Cloud Service
    Azure cloud service application, developing and deploying cloud service application, working with SQL database, scaling of cloud service, SSL, cloud service VM.
    Managing Azure with Windows Power Shell
    Installation and login of Windows Power Shell, App Service WebApp, deploying storage account with Power Shell, managing Resource Group.
    Azure networking
    Introduction to Azure virtual network, creation and configuration of Virtual Network, Azure Domain Name Service.
    Azure Active Directory
    Introduction to Azure active directory, role based access control, integration of Azure AD with on premise AD, managing groups, devices and users.

    Java Programming Course Content

    Core Java Concepts

    Introduction to Java Programming, Defining Java, Need for Java, Platform Independent in Java, Define JRE,JVM, JDK, Important Features and Evolution of Java

    Writing Java Programs using Java Principles

    Overview of Coding basics, Setting up the required environment, Knowing the available IDEs, Writing a Basic-level Java Program, Define Package, What are Java Comments?, Understanding the concept of Reserved Words, Introduction to Java Statements, What are Blocks in Java, Explain a Class, Different Methods

    Language Conceptuals
    Overview of the Language, Defining Identifiers, What are Constraints and Variables, What is an Encoding Set?, Concept of Separators, Define Primitives, How to make Primitive Conversions?, Various Operators in Java
    Operating with Java Statements
    Module Overview, Learn how to write If Statement, Understanding While Statement, Working with Do-while Statement, How to use For Statement?, Using Break Statement, What is Continue Statement, Working of Switch Statement
    Concept of Objects and Classes
    General Review of the Module, Defining Object and Classes in Java, What are Encapsulation, Static Members and Access Control?, Use and importance of ‘this’ Keyword, Deining Method Overloading with an example, ‘By Value’ vs. ‘By Reference’, Loading, Defining Initialization and Linking, How to Compare Objects in Java?, What is Garbage Collector?
    Introduction to Core Classes
    General Review, Concept of Object in Java, Define Core Class, What is System?, Explain String Classes, How do Arrays work?, Concept of Boxing & Unboxing, Use of ‘varargs’, ‘format’ and ‘printf’ Methods
    Inheritance in Java
    Introduction, Define Inheritance with an example, Accessibility concept, Method Overriding, Learning how to call a Superclass’ Constructor, What is Type Casting?, Familiarity with ’instanceof’ Keyword
    Exception Handling in Detail
    Getting started with exception Handling, Defining an Exception, How to use Constructs to deal with exceptions?, Classification of exceptions, Throw Exceptions, How to create an exception class?, stack Trace analysis
    Getting started with Interfaces and Abstract Classes
    General Review, Defining Interface, Use and Create and Interface, Concept of Extending interfaces, How to implement multiple interfaces?, What are abstract classes?, How to create and use abstract classes?, Comparison between interface and abstract classes, Concept of Nested Classes, What are Nested Classes?, Nested Classes Types, Working of an Inner Class, What is a Local Inner Class?, Anonymous Classes in java, What is a Static Nested Class
    Overview of Nested Classes
    What are Nested Classes?, Types of Nested Classes, What is an Inner Class?, Understanding local inner class, Anonymous Inner Class, Nested Class – Static
    Getting started with Java Threads
    What is a Thread?, How to create and start a Thread?, States of a Thread, Blocking the Execution of a Thread, Concept of Sleep Thread, Understanding the priorities in a thread, Synchronisation in Java Threads, Interaction between threads
    Overview of Java Collections
    Introduction to Collection Framework, Preeminent Interfaces, What are Comparable and Comparator?, Working with Lists, Working with Maps, Working with Sets, Working with Queues
    Understanding JDBC
    Define JDBC, Different types of Drivers, How to access the drivers?, What is Connection in Java?, What is a Statement?, Explaining CRUD Operations with examples, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement
    Java Generics
    Overview of important topics included, Important and Frequently-Used Features, Defining Generic List, What is Generic Map in Java?, Java Generic Classes & Methods, For Loop Generic, What is Generic Wild Card?
    Input/Output in Java
    Brief Introduction, Learning about Input and output streams in java, Concept of byte Oriented Streams, Defining Character Oriented Streams?, Explain Object Serialisation, Input and Output Based on Channel
    Getting started with Java Annotations
    Introduction and Definition of Annotations, How they are useful for Java programmers?, Placements in Annotations, What are Built-in Java Annotations, Defining Custom Annotations
    Reflection and its Usage
    Getting started, Define Java Reflection?, What is a Class Object?, Concept of Constructors, Using Fields, Applying Methods, Implementing Annotations in Your Java Program

    Splunk Developer Topics

    Splunk Development concepts

    Introduction to Splunk, Splunk developer roles and responsibilities

    Basic Searching
    Writing Splunk query for search, Autocomplete to build a search, time range, refine search, work with events, identify the contents of search, control a search jobHands-on Exercise – Write a basic search query
    Using Fields in Searches
    Understand Fields, Use Fields in Search, Use Fields Sidebar, regex field extraction using Field Extractor (FX), delimiter field Extraction using FXHands-on Exercise – Use Fields in Search, Use Fields Sidebar, Use Field Extractor (FX), delimit field Extraction using FX
    Saving and Scheduling Searches

    Writing Splunk query for search, sharing, saving, scheduling and exporting search resultsHands-on Exercise – Schedule a search, Save a search result, Share and export a search result

    Creating Alerts

    Creation of alert, explaining alerts and viewing fired alertsHands-on Exercise – Create an alert, view fired alerts

    Scheduled Reports
    Describe and Configure Scheduled Reports
    Tags and Event Types

    Introduction to Tags in Splunk, deploying Tags for Splunk search, understanding event types and utility, generating and implementing event types in SearchHands-on Exercise – Deploy tags for Splunk search, generate and implement event types in Search

    Creating and Using Macros
    Define Macros, Arguments and Variables in a MacroHands-on Exercise – Define a Macro with arguments and use variables in it
    GET, POST, and Search workflow actionsHands-on Exercise – Create GET, POST, and Search workflow
    Splunk Search Commands
    Search Command study, search practices in general, search pipeline, specify indexes in search, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, search commands like tables, fields, sort, multikv, rename, rex & erexHands-on Exercise – Create search pipeline, specify indexes in search, highlight syntax, use autocomplete feature, use search commands like tables, fields, sort, multikv, rename, rex & erex
    Transforming Commands
    Using Top, Rare, Stats CommandsHands-on Exercise – Use Top, Rare, Stats Commands
    Reporting Commands

    Using following commands and their functions: addcoltotals, addtotals,top, rare,statsHands-on Exercise – Create reports using following commands and their functions: addcoltotals, addtotals

    Mapping and Single Value Commands
    iplocation, geostats, geom, addtotals commandsHands-on Exercise – Track ip using iplocation, get geo data using geostats
    Splunk Reports & visualizations

    Explore the available visualizations, create charts and time charts, omit null values and format resultsHands-on Exercise – Create time charts, omit null values and format results

    Analyzing, Calculating and Formatting Results

    Calculating and analyzing results, value conversion, roundoff and format values, using eval command, conditional statements, filtering calculated search resultsHands-on Exercise – Calculate and analyze results, perform coversion on a data value, roundoff a numbers, use eval command, write conditional statements,apply filters on calculated search results

    Correlating Events
    Search with Transactions, Report on Transactions, Group events using fields and time, Transaction vs StatsHands-on Exercise – Generate Report on Transactions, Group events using fields and time
    Enriching Data with Lookups

    Learn about data lookups, example, lookup table, defining and configuring automatic lookup, deploying lookup in reports and searchesHands-on Exercise – Define and configure automatic lookup, deploy lookup in reports and searches

    Creating Reports and Dashboards
    Creating search charts, reports and dashboards, Editing reports and Dashboard, Adding reports to dashboardHands-on Exercise – Create search charts, reports and dashboards, Edit reports and Dashboard, Add reports to dashboard
    Getting started with Parsing

    Working with raw data for data extraction, transformation, parsing and previewHands-on Exercise – Extract useful data from raw data, perform transformation, parse different values and preview

    Using Pivot
    Describe Pivot, Relationship between data model and pivot, select a data model object, create a pivot report, instant pivot from a search, add a pivot report to dashboardHands-on Exercise – Select a data model object, create a pivot report, create instant pivot from a search, add a pivot report to dashboard
    Common Information Model (CIM) Add-On
    What is Splunk CIM, Using the CIM Add-On to normalize dataHands-on Exercise – Use the CIM Add-On to normalize data

    Splunk Administration Topics

    Overview of Splunk

    Introduction to the Splunk 3 tier architecture, understanding the Server settings, control, preferences and licensing, managing & pooling license, setting up alerts, the types & usage of license, the most important components of Splunk tool, the hardware requirements, conditions for installation of Splunk.

    Splunk Installation
    Understanding how to install and configure Splunk, index creation, input configuration in standalone server, the search preferences, installing Splunk in the Linux environment, practical administration and architect class.
    Splunk Installation in Linux

    Installing Splunk in the Linux environment, the various prerequisites, configuration of Splunk in Linux.

    Distributed Management Console

    Introduction to the Splunk Distributed Management Console, index clustering, forwarder management and distributed search in Splunk environment, providing the right authentication to users, access control.

    Introduction to Splunk App

    Introducing the Splunk app, developing Splunk apps, managing the Splunk app, the various add-ons in Splunk app, deleting and installing apps from SplunkBase, deploying the various app permissions, deploying the Splunk app, apps on forwarder.

    Splunk indexes and users

    Understanding the index time configuration file and search time configuration file.

    Splunk configuration files
    Learning about the index time and search time configuration files in Splunk, installing the forwarders, configuring the output and inputs.conf, managing the Universal Forwarders, additional features of Splunk Universal Forwarder.
    Splunk Deployment Management

    Deploying the Splunk tool, the Splunk deployment Server, setting up the Splunk deployment environment, deploying the clients grouping in Splunk.

    Splunk Indexes

    Understanding the Splunk Indexes, the default Splunk Indexes, segregating the Splunk Indexes, learning about Splunk Buckets and Bucket Classification, estimating index storage, creating new index.

    User roles and authentication

    Understanding the concept of role inheritance, Splunk authentications, native authentications, LDAP authentications.

    Splunk Administration Environment

    Splunk installation, configuration, data inputs, app management, Splunk important concepts, parsing machine-generated data, search indexer and forwarder.

    Basic Production Environment

    Introduction to Splunk Configuration Files, Universal Forwarder, Forwarder Management, data management, troubleshooting and monitoring.

    Splunk Search Engine

    Converting machine-generated data into operational intelligence, setting up Dashboard, Reports and Charts, integrating Search Head Clustering & Indexer Clustering.

    Various Splunk Input Methods

    Understanding the input methods, deploying scripted, Windows, network and agentless input types, fine-tuning it all.

    Splunk User & Index Management

    Splunk User authentication and Job Role assignment, learning to manage, monitor and optimize Splunk Indexes.

    Machine Data Parsing
    Understanding parsing of machine-generated data, manipulation of raw data, previewing and parsing, data field extraction, comparing single line and multi-line events.
    Search Scaling and Monitoring

    Distributed search concepts, improving search performance, large scale deployment and overcoming execution hurdles, working with Splunk Distributed Management Console for monitoring the entire operation.

    Splunk Cluster implementation

    Cluster indexing, configuring individual nodes, configuring the cluster behavior, index and search behavior, setting node type to handle different aspects of cluster like master node, peer node and search head.

    Linux Admin Course Content

    Administering Open Source System

    Administering Open Source System (Unix Systems), The Role of an administrator, Open Source Licensing, Acquiring your Linux Distribution

    Installation Process

    The Installation Process of Linux Red Hat System, Structuring the File system, Selecting the software Packages, Performing Installation

    Booting Linux

    Managing Boot Process, Following Boot Scripts Sequence, Assigning services with chk config, The /etc directory configuration Hierarchy

    Rescuing an Unbootable System

    Booting into Rescue Mode, Reinstalling the Boot Loader, Booting into Single-User Mode

    User Features

    PAM-Pluggable Authentication Modulet, What Do We Mean By Home Directory of file users, Syntax for Chage is, How to Change User Features of A User

    Linux PS Commands

    The Linux Groupmod Command, The Linux g password Command, Linux PS Command, Procs, Memory, Swap, Proc Command, Pkill Linux Command, Syslog, View Newlog Entries

    Package Manager

    Manipulating portable tar archives, How to install software with red hat packet manager(RPM), What is RPM-REDHAT package manager

    IP Configuration

    How to rebuild a source RPM(SRPM) package, Static ip configuration, View network settings of an Ethernet Adapter, Assigning IP Address to an Interface, Configuring and testing IPV6 connectivity, Stand alone server, Running services through XINTED

    Creating Partitions

    Creating Linux partition, Mounting a file system, How to create a user, How to add a user into a group in Linux


    Mounting File System, How to mount Specific file system

    SAMBA Server and UDEV

    How to Configure SAMBA Server, Examine the Steps in Reporting PCI Devices Bug, What is UDEV, To Know How to Add or Remove a Linux Kernel Modules/Drivers

    Installing LVS

    Define LVS, installing LVS, understand meaning of Linux Director, to know about Testing and Debugging, what are Real servers and Ipfail.

    Python Projects
    Project 1: – Python Web Scraping for Data ScienceIn this project you will be introduced to the process of web scraping using Python. It involves installation of Beautiful Soup, web scraping libraries, working on common data and page format on the web, learning the important kinds of objects, Navigable String, deploying the searching tree, navigation options, parser, search tree, searching by CSS class, list, function and keyword argument.

    Project 2

    Objective – To generate a password using Python code which would be tough to guess

    Project 3

    Domain – FinanceObjective – The project aims to find the most impacting factors in preferences of pre-paid model, also identifies which are all the variables highly correlated with impacting factors

    Project 4

    Domain – Stock MarketObjective – This project focuses on Machine Learning by creating predictive data model to predict future stock prices

    Project 5 : Server logs/Firewall logsObjective – This includes the process of loading the server logs into the cluster using Flume. It can then be refined using Pig Script, Ambari and HCatlog. You can then visualize it using elastic search and excel.This project task includes:
    • Server logs
    • Potential uses of server log data
    • Pig script
    • Firewall logs
    • Work flow editor
    DevOps Projects
    In this DevOps project you will be introduced to the DevOps pipeline demo in various industry domains like media, finance, medical projects and more. You will get hands-on experience in Docker containerization by deploying Jenkins, working with integration tests in DevOps, Project Reports and finance app configuration.

    Project 1

    Domain – FinanceObjective –A global bank recruits 500 graduate software developers each year. The developers are employed at sites in 4 different countries. The bank requires a web-based questionnaire system to assess graduates’ programming skills so that they can provide appropriate training. You will need to design, implement and deploy part of the system

    Project 2

    Domain – MediaObjective –A media company wishes to offer a website where users can upload photographs. Captions and titles can be added to the photographs. Customers can order prints of photos on T-shirts, mugs, and other items. You will need to design, implement and deploy part of the system

    Project 3

    Domain – MedicalObjective –A hospital wishes to implement a system which can detect harmful drug interactions. They want a mobile phone application which allows doctors to enter or scan prescriptions. The system will then check for drug interactions. Any conflicting drugs will be highlighted so that the prescription can be changed. You will need to design, implement and deploy part of the application

    AWS Projects
    Project 1
    Objective – Hands-on workshop, real-time case study on AWS, its concepts and operations.

    Project 2

    Domain – Cloud ComputingObjective – To deploy a website which would render a static webpage using AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Route 53

    Project 3

    Domain – Cloud ComputingObjective – To migrate an existing Git repository or unversioned local content to AWS CodeCommit, a fully-managed source control service that makes it easy for companies to host secure and highly scalable private Git repositories

    Project 4

    Domain – Cloud ComputingObjective – To deploy and host Jenkins, an open-source automation software predominantly used for CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment). Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) in a public subnet would be used within your own Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and you will also set up an Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume

    Java Programming Project

    Project – Library Management System

    Problem Statement – It creates library management system project which includes following functionalities:

    Add book, Add Member, Issue Book, Return Book, Available Book etc.

    Splunk Developer Project

    Topics : This project gives you hands-on experience in working with the Splunk tool. You will have the data set of employee details in a text file based on which you will create a dashboard and report. Then you will deploy the various Splunk commands to perform row operations, extract certain data fields, edit the event, add tags, search with tag name for event and then save the tag search. Upon completion of this project you will learn to create a searchable repository using data that is captured, correlated and indexed in real time and ultimately visualize it using dashboard, report and alert.

    Splunk Administration Project


    Type – Field Extraction

    Topics : In this project you will learn to extract fields from events using the Splunk field extraction technique. You will gain knowledge in the basics of field extractions, understand the use of field extractor, the field extraction page in Splunk web and field extract configuration in files. Learn about the regular expression and delimiters method of field extraction. Upon completion of the project you will gain expertise in building Splunk dashboard and use the extracted fields data in it to create rich visualizations in an enterprise setup.

    Linux Admin Project

    Project – Connection and Backups with NFS Server

    Topics: How to Connect with NFS server, How to do Backup, How to restore backups, How to use tar and untar

Course Fee:
USD 965

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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