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HTML And JQuery Training

Course Summary

About JQuery Training Course This is a Course that includes

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    Course Syllabus

    HTML5 Course Content

    Understanding HTML

    Introduction to the Internet, and Web Technologies, learning about Server, Server types, HTTP Protocol, programming and methods, introduction to HTML programming, creation of HTML tags, marketing element with tags, adding attributes to an element, HTML5 Document Declaration and Document Structure, the strengths of HTML5 – extensive multimedia support, Canvas element, drag and drop features, geolocation, web storage, web workers and web sockets.

    Deep dive into HTML

    Detailed understanding of HTML5, the various elements like Header, Footer, Navigation, Section, Address, Article and Menu Elements, HTML specifications, creation of menu with order and unordered list, command table, distinguishing between Section & Article Element, web form creation and DIV element.Hands-on Exercise – Write an htmp page with Header, Footer, Navigation elements, Create menu with order and unordered list, Create a web form, Create a div and a span element.

    Jquery Course Content

    Introduction to JQuery

    Introducing JQuery, the objective of JQuery, fast and concise JavaScript Library, learning to use the JQuery Library, JQuery strengths of animation, event handling, HTML document traversing and Ajax interactions, accessing Google Hosted CDN, understanding DOM Loaded and DOM Not Loaded, the difference between window.onload and document.ready, understanding the wrapping element, selecting elements and performing action, finding zero elements, chaining multiple methods, JQuery Version, JQuery Prototype, no-conflict mode.Hands-on Exercise – Traverse HTML document using Ajax interactions and retrived the values of elements, Access Google Hosted CDN

    Working with Selectors & CSS

    Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, and CSS Selectors, understanding the various functions like HTML, CSS, Val, AddClass, RemoveClass, toggleClass Function, hasClass Function, understanding attr Function, removeAttr Function, prop Function, removeProp Function, Attribute Equal Selector, Attribute Not Equal Selector, Attribute Start with Selector, Attribute Ends with Selector, understanding Class, Element, ID, Lang, Not, Root Selector, working with last-of-type selector, Only Child Selector, Parent, Empty, Form and Button Selector.Hands-on Exercise – Perform css operations to change the properties and alignments of page elements and tags

    Working with JQuery Core

    Introduction to JQuery Core, understanding how JQuery Core is defined in the JQuery Script, understanding the various functions like isEmptyObject, isPlainObject, isNumeric, isWindow Function, isArray Function, isEmptyObject, isPlainObject, the merge and map function, summary.Hands-on Exercise – Use functions isEmptyObject, isPlainObject, isNumeric, isWindow Function, isArray Function, isEmptyObject, isPlainObject, the merge and map function

    Event Handling

    The objectives of JQuery Event Model, Binding Event Handlers, the bind and unbind event attachment, JQuery New Event API, current Target and related Target Property, JQuery Event Classification, form, mouse, keyboard events, trigger functions, custom events, the trigger Handler Function, summary.Hands-on Exercise – Bind Event Handlers, Bind and Unbind event, set current Target and related Target Property, Handle events of form field entry, mouse clicks, keyboard events, trigger functions, custom events, the trigger Handler Function

    Working with DOM Elements

    Understanding the of Document Object Model, DOM Manipulation and function classification, the various Functions like wrap, wrapAll, wrapInner, unwrap, working with append, prepend, DOM Insertion, insertAfter, replaceAll Functions, summary.Hands-on Exercise – Manipulate DOM using jQuery methods like wrap, wrapAll, wrapInner, unwrap, working with append, prepend, DOM Insertion, insertAfter, replace All

    Working with AJAX

    Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript, comparing Synchronous and Asynchronous, the advantages and disadvantages of AJAX, the data types, Get vs Post, jQuery $.ajax() : The heart, The jqXHR Object, Ajax core method : Settings, A Sample AJAX request, jQuery $.get() Method, jQuery $.post() Method, .load method, AJAX EVENTS, Helper Function.Hands-on Exercise – Use heart plugin to show ratings of a webpage, Use $.ajax() to define GET and POST request handlers, Use jqXHR Object, Send a AJAX request, Use jQuery $.get() Method, Use $.post() Method

    HTML and Jquery Projects

    Project Work:

    Project – Login Page and Load the data

    Problem Statement – It creates a login page which contains two fields that is username and password. If user enters the correct value then it will show a successful message and redirect to another page which includes three options: Load Data, Reload Data, Load Content.

Course Fee:
USD 113

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

This course is listed under Development & Implementations Community

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