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BI Reporting Tools Training

Course Summary

Our BI Reporting certification master program lets you gain proficiency in the top BI reporting tools. This training includes the BI Reporting tools like QlikView, Spotfire, Tableau, Cognos, Cognos TM1, Cognos Insight, Pentaho, Jaspersoft, MicroStrategy, Hyperion,SSRS. You will work on projects in data visualization, deploying dashboard, analytics, reports for deriving business insights.

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    Course Syllabus

    Qlikview Course Content

    Introduction to Qlikview
    Introduction to the concepts of Business Intelligence, learning about QlikView, the unique features of QlikView that make it the market leader, comparison to other BI tools, the complete overview and architecture of QlikView, studying the various file types and extensions.
    Qlikview Products
    Learning about the various QlikView products, understanding about the QlikView Desktop, Server, Access Point, Publisher, the Management Console and NPrinting reporting platform.Hands-on Exercise – Practice QlikView Desktop, Server, Access Point, Publisher, the Management Console and NPrinting reporting platform.
    Introduction to Data and Scripting
    Understanding the data warehouse architecture, the concept of dimensional model, fact tables and dimensions, learning about Star and Snow Flake schema, QlikView data model comparison to other data models, understanding the data source files.Hands-on Exercise – Understanding the data warehouse architecture, the concept of dimensional model, fact tables and dimensions, learning about Star and Snow Flake schema, QlikView data model comparison to other data models, understanding the data source files.
    Loading Data From The DataBase
    Learning about loading data from various databases, generating script, loading of text files, delimited text files, loading data from multiple data sources, various types of data loads like incremental, binary, resident, buffer, preceding, mapping load types, understanding how to load inline table, generic tables, media content and image inclusion, web page data loading, semantic load, various examples to simplify the concepts.Hands-on Exercise – Load data from a database, Generat script, Load a delimited text file, Load data from excel file, Load inline table, generic tables, media content,Include image, Load a web page data
    Structuring the Script
    Learning to create tabs in the scripts, debugging of scripts, inclusion of variables and comments in the scripts.Hands-on Exercise – Create tabs in the scripts, debug a script, Include variables and comments in the scripts.
    Basic Data Model and Table Viewer
    Understanding the basic data model of QlikView, learning to work with the Table Viewer, the System Table and System fields.Hands-on Exercise – Work with the Table Viewer, the System Table and System fields.
    Data Relationships
    Introduction to the various data relationships – Join, Concatenation, Join, and the different options available in each.Hands-on Exercise – Use Join, Concatenation
    Data Modelling Considerations
    The rules of data modeling in QlikView, introduction to circular references, synthetic key tables, resolving synthetic keys and circular references.Hands-on Exercise – Resolve synthetic keys and circular references
    Qlikview Data (QVD) Files
    Understanding what is QVD file in QlikView, the way to create QVD file, the standard structure of a QVD file, its various components, the various types and uses of QVD files, learning what is optimized and unoptimized load.Hands-on Exercise – Create QVD file
    Creating a Master Calendar
    Creating a master calendar in QlikView, extracting the highest and lowest data, deploying scripts to create variables, working with arbitrary date ranges.Hands-on Exercise – Create a master calendar in QlikView, Extract the highest and lowest data, Deploy scripts to create variables, Work with arbitrary date ranges
    Qlikview Security
    Understanding the various concepts of QlikView security, defining the access controls, levels of access, maintaining the access control database, section access addition and other concepts.Hands-on Exercise – Create the access controls rules, Create different levels of access, Access and Edit the access control database
    Handling Null Values
    The various types of null values in QlikView and the different methods to handling them.Hands-on Exercise – Handle null values in QlikView
    Sheets and Sheet Objects
    Working with QlikView sheets and sheet objects, learning about the sheet basics, cross tables, the data transformation in QlikView, transposing a physical table.Hands-on Exercise – Perform a data transformation in QlikView, Transpose a physical table.
    The List Box
    Understanding a list box, most basic sheet object, the various actions in List Box, its properties, the example of a list box.Hands-on Exercise – Use a list box and assign actions to it
    The Table Box
    A sheet object that shows several fields simultaneously, learning to create a table box, sorting in table box, understanding table box formatting options, printing the data from table box, exporting to a text file.Hands-on Exercise – Create a sheet object that shows several fields simultaneously, Create a table box, Sort data in table box, Format data in a table box, Print the data of table box, Export data to a text file.
    The Multi Box
    Representation of value from multiple fields, learning to create a multibox, the various selection features, formatting and resizing of multiboxes.Hands-on Exercise – Create a multibox, Select data using different criteria, Format and Resize a multiboxe
    The Button & Text Object
    Working with text and button objects, learning to create them, formatting, resizing, copying and moving of text objects, understanding of action scripts in button and text objects.Hands-on Exercise – Create text and button objects, Format, Resize, Copy and Move text objects, Run action scripts in button and text objects
    Learning the basics of QlikView Charts, graphical representation of numerical data, various types of charts like bar, pie, grid, funnel, combo, learning to create charts, selections in charts and exporting of charts.Hands-on Exercise – Plot charts like bar, pie, grid, funnel, combo, Make selections in charts and export charts
    Multi Dimensional Charts, Pivot Tables
    Introduction to multidimensional charts, setting up multiple expressions in straight table and pivot table, learning about straight table and pivot table, table box and deploying visual cues.Hands-on Exercise – Plot multidimensional charts, Set up multiple expressions in straight table and pivot table, Deploy visual cues
    Learning about Gauge Chart in QlikView, the various types of Gauges, understanding how to build Gauges, the various types of Gauge Charts.Hands-on Exercise – Build Gauge chart in QlikView
    The Other Sheet Objects
    Introduction to the other sheet objects like Statistics Box, Slider/Calendar Object, Current Selections Box, Bookmark Object, Container Object, and Input Box.Hands-on Exercise – Create sheet objects like Statistics Box, Slider/Calendar Object, Current Selections Box, Bookmark Object, Container Object, and Input Box
    Additional Editing in The Layout
    The additional editing like settings of type legend, title, fast change chart type, text in chart and reference lines, caption settings and drilldown, cyclic functionality.Hands-on Exercise – Set up type legend, title, captions
    Uses Of Expressions
    Learning about the various expressions like chart attribute, colour, working with calculated fields, labels, and dynamic text in text objects, calculated fields and dimensions in list boxes and charts.Hands-on Exercise – Create chart attributes, Assign colour, Work with calculated fields,Create dynamic text in text objects
    The Settings Menu
    Learning about the settings menu in QlikView, the various options like user preferences, document properties and sheet properties.Hands-on Exercise – Use settings menu in QlikView to set user preferences, document properties and sheet properties
    Qlikview Functions
    The various QlikView functions like ApplyMap, Lookup, Previous, Value List, Interval Match, Class, Value Loop, Peek, Pick, Match, Wild Match, Statistical Functions,Range Functions, etc.Hands-on Exercise – Use functions ApplyMap, Lookup, Previous, Value List, Interval Match, Class, Value Loop, Peek, Pick, Match, Wild Match, Statistical Functions,Range Functions
    Adhoc Reports and Bookmarks
    Learning about ad hoc report creation and editing, introduction to QlikView bookmarks, the various types of bookmarks, creating and managing bookmarks.Hands-on Exercise – Create ad hoc report, Edit the report, Create and manage bookmarks
    Layout Themes
    Understanding QlikView themes, creating, applying and working with dynamic themes.Hands-on Exercise – Create, apply and work with dynamic themes
    Learning about QlikView extensions, visualizing of data with extensions, creating a simple HTML extension, HTML table, working with interactive extensions and external libraries with extensions.Hands-on Exercise – Use QlikView extension for data visualization, Create a simple HTML extension, Work with interactive extensions
    Set Analysis
    Understanding set analysis, defining data values that are different from set definition, working with modifiers, identifiers, operators, example of expressions, indirect set analysis, YTD & MTD and rolling 12 months, various examples.Hands-on Exercise – Work with modifiers, Identifiers, Operators, Expressions, Implement YTD & MTD and rolling 12 months
    Alternate States
    Understanding alternate states for performing comparative analysis on sets of multiple data items, working with market basket analysis, examples of various alternate states.Hands-on Exercise – Perform comparative analysis on sets of multiple data items, Do market basket analysis
    What-IF Analysis
    Understanding what-if analysis in QlikView, working on creating variables, slider objects, assigning variables to sheet and slider objects.Hands-on Exercise – Do what-if analysis in QlikView
    Server Installation & Deployment
    The process of installation, various types of licenses, types of CALS, learn to deploy the application on the server, working with server bookmarks, annotations.Hands-on Exercise – Deploy an app on the server

    Spotfire Course Content

    TIBCO Spotfire Introduction

    The basics of TIBCO Spotfire, data visualization and analytics software, various Spotfire features, Data Filtering, Data drill-down, data loading, data table format, statistical representation of data, Web Player for analytics report, importing data from Excel, data types, data visualization techniques, Spotfire Dashboard, working with Bar Charts.

    Spotfire Data Table & Data Sources

    Working with Data Tables, data sourcing, fetching data from databases, properties of Data Table, relations in data table and column matching, data table filters, settings and filter schemas, Calculated, Binned and Hierarchy Column creation.

    Spotfire Data Visualization

    Visualizing data to exploring, analyzing and discovering insights, understanding the concepts of Coloring, Trellis Visualization, bar chart, combination chart and line chart, working with Zoom Slider, and Cross-table Visualization, Column Selectors.

    Advanced Visualization & Analysis

    In-depth understanding of Spotfire visualization techniques, advanced color coding concepts, analyzing data, working with tags, lists, bars and data labels, understanding the various techniques of Pie Chart, Tree Map and Scatter Plot.

    Spotfire Server Features

    Importance of Spotfire Server for Deployment, Library and Information services, working with Spotfire Expressions, Labels, Charts, Schemas, understanding of Heat Map, Dendograms.

    Deep Dive into Data Analysis and Organization

    The scope of Spotfire Professional, data access, visualization and analysis, working with input filter, property control dialogue for changing settings in visualization, custom expressions, deploying Action control and Dynamic items, Spotfire Dashboard features, data filtering, filter schemas, analysis techniques like Box plot, Pareto chart and Combination chart.

    Spotfire Administration

    Spotfire installation, administration and maintenance, deloying information designs and information links and joins, personalization, working with Web Player DXP, Spotfire authorization, authentication and security.

    Predictive Analytics- Map Visualization

    Map Visualization, Forcasting, Text Area Features, Upload and Store data to Library, Drag and Drop of Visualization, Application of Profiler.

    Spotfire Visual Insights

    Visual Appearance, Recommendations, Mark from Legend, Data Panel, Interacting Grouping of Categories, Data Connector, Data Profiler, Collaboration.

    Tableau Course Content

    Introduction to Data Visualization and Power of Tableau
    What is data visualization, Comparision and benefits against reading raw numbers, Real usage examples from various business domains, Some quick powerful examples using Tableau without going into the technical details of Tableau
    Architecture of Tableau
    Installation of Tableau Desktop, Architecture of Tableau, Interface of Tableau (Layout, Toolbars, Data Pane, Analytics Pane etc), How to start with Tableau, Ways to share and exporting the work done in TableauHands-on Exercise – Play with the tableau desktop, interface to learn its user interface, Share an existing work, Export an existing work
    Working with Metadata & Data Blending
    Connection to Excels, PDFs and Cubes, Managing Metadata and Extracts, Data Preparation and dealing with NULL values, Data Joins (Inner, Left, Right, Outer) and Union, Cross Database joining, Data BlendingHands-on Exercise – Connect to an excel sheet and import data, Use metadata and extracts, Handle NULL values, Clean up the data before the actual use, Perform various join techniques, Perform data blending from more than one sources
    Creation of sets
    Marks, Highlighting, Sort and Group, Working with Sets (Creation of sets, Editing sets, IN/OUT, Sets in Hierarchies)Hands-on Exercise – Create and edit sets using Marks, Highlight desired items, Make groups, Applying sorting on result, Make hierachies in the created set
    Working with Filters
    Filters (Addition and Removal), Filtering continuous dates, dimensions, measures, Interactive FiltersHands-on Exercise – Add Filter on data set by date/dimensions/measures, Use interactive filter to views, Remove some filters to see the result
    Organizing Data and Visual Analytics
    Formatting Data (Labels, Annotations, Tooltips, Edit axes), Formatting Pane (Menu, Settings, Font, Alignment, Copy-Paste), Trend and Reference Lines, Forecasting, k-means Cluster Analysis in TableauHands-on Exercise – Apply labels, annotations, tooltips to graphs, Edit the attributes of axes, Set a reference line, Do k-means cluster analysis on a dataset
    Working with Mapping
    Coordinate points, Plotting Longitude and Latitude, Editing Unrecognized Locations, Custom Geocoding, Polygon Maps, WMS: Web Mapping Services, Background Image (Add Image, Plot Points on Image, Generate coordinates from Image)Hands-on Exercise – Plot latitude and longitude on geo map, Edit locations on the map, Create custom geocoding, Use images of a map and plot points on it, find coordinates in the image, Create a polygon map, Use WMS
    Working with Calculations & Expressions
    Calculation Syntax and Functions in Tableau, Types of Calculations (Table, String, Logic, Date, Number, Aggregate), LOD Expressions (concept and syntax), Aggregation and Replication with LOD Expressions, Nested LOD Expressions
    Working with Parameters
    Create Parameters, Parameters in Calculations, Using Parameters with Filters, Column Selection Parameters, Chart Selection ParametersHands-on Exercise – Create new parameters to apply on a filter, Pass parameters to filters to selet columns, Pass parameters to filters to select charts
    Charts and Graphs
    Dual Axes Graphs, Histogram (Single and Dual Axes), Box Plot, Pareto Chart, Motion Chart, Funnel Chart, Waterfall Chart, Tree Map, Heat Map, Market Basket analysisHands-on Exercise – Plot a histogram, heat map, tree map, funnel chart and others using the same data set, Do market basket analysis on a given dataset
    Dashboards and Stories
    Build and Format a Dashboard (Size, Views, Objects, Legends and Filters), Best Practices for Creative and Interactive Dashboards using Actions, Create Stories (Intro of Story Points, Creating and Updating Story Points, Adding Visuals in Stories, Annotations with Description)Hands-on Exercise – Create a dashboard view, Include objects, legends and filters, Make the dashboard interactive, Create and edit a story with visual effects, annotation, description
    Integration of Tableau with R and Hadoop
    Introduction to R Language, Applications and Use Cases of R, Deploying R on Tableau Platform, Learning R functions in Tableau, Integration with HadoopHands-on Exercise – Deploy R on tableau, Create a line graph using R interface, Connect tableau with Hadoop and extract data

    Cognos Developer Course Content

    Overview IBM Cognos Business Intelligence and Cognos BI Architecture

    Introduction to IBM Cognos Business Intelligence and analytics tool, understanding its Architecture, core concepts of data warehousing, ETL, various types of OLAP, Cognos Framework Manager, DMR models.

    IBM Cognos Framework Manager Modelling

    Learning to build query models to connect with report layout, deploying query model for adding reports and filters, creating custom queries by editing SQL statement, creating reports by joining query results, combining data containers based on relationships from various queries.Hands-on Exercise – Build a basic query model to connect with report layout, Deploy this query model for adding reports and filters, Create custom queries by editing SQL statement, Creating report by joining query results, Combine data containers based on relationships from various queries

    IBM Cognos Advance Framework Manager and Performance Improvement

    Introduction to IBM Cognos Framework Manager, learning about the workflow process, writing SQL queries, performing calculations, creating projects, applying filters and creation of Star Schema, the difference between various data models, importing of metadata, access control to metadata, merging of metadata, working with data sources, stored procedure query subjects, work with macros, setting governors, performance improvement, parameter map, session parameters, learn about multi-facet, multi-grain, and stitch queries.

    Cognos Report Studio

    Introduction to IBM Report Studio, understanding what is Report Authoring, creating reports using Report Studio, understanding Query Studio, various types of Reports, grouping, formatting, and sorting list Reports, aggregating data, multi-facet data and Report with repeated data.

    Reporting using Filters,Formatting,Charts

    Performing filtering, grouping and sorting of Reports, filtering to narrow focus of Report, Cross tab Reports, formatting and sorting Cross tab Reports, creating Charts, adding context to Charts.Hands-on Exercise – Perform filtering, grouping and sorting of Reports, Perform filtering to narrow focus of Report, Create Cross tab Reports, Format and sort Cross tab Reports, Create Charts, add context to Charts

    Reports using Prompts and calculations

    Learning about various Prompts on Reports, working with Prompts to focus data, searching Prompt items, customization, page navigation, displaying user Prompt selection, extending Report capabilities using calculation, creation of statistical calculations, statistical charts with Cognos Report Studio.Hands-on Exercise – Use Prompts to focus data, Search Prompt items, Customizeand display user Prompt selection, Extend Report capabilities using calculation, Create statistical calculations, plot statistical charts with Cognos Report Studio

    Advance Report Building Techniques

    Reusing objects in the same Report, layout sharing between different Reports, working with various templates, handling Reports with no available data.Learning to customize Reports with showing, hiding and highlighting data, creating multilingual reports, rendering conditional objects.Hands-on Exercise – Reuse objects in the same Report, Share same layout between different Reports, Use a template for reporting, Handle Reports with no available data, Customize Reports with showing, hiding and highlighting data, Create multilingual reports, Render conditional objects

    Drilling through Reports

    Understanding the concept of Drill through, letting users find the data they want, comparing parameter-driven and dynamic drill through, drilling from one report to another, setting the scope of drill through, familiarizing with drill through assistant, enhancing report layout, combining data containers, formatting data and report objects.Hands-on Exercise – Using Drill through, let users find the data they want, Use parameter-driven and dynamic drill through, Drill from one report to another, Set the scope of drill through, Enhance report layout, Format data and report objects

    Advanced Dynamic Reports

    Introduction to advanced Cognos reporting, filtering reports on session parameters, navigating to specific location in report, navigating using table of contents, creating dynamic titles and headers, detailed learning of advanced report authoring, linking reports and displaying one report layer, editing SQL statements, distributing Report content to various users, creating Master-Detail Report, conditional formatting of Reports using variables, string and Boolean expressions, examining report specification and modifying it, deploying Java Scripts and HTML items for user interaction.Hands-on Exercise – Apply filters on reports on session parameters, Navigate to specific location in report, Navigatie using table of contents, Create dynamic titles and headers, Link reports and display one report layer, Edit SQL statements, Distribute Report content to various users, create Master-Detail Report, Conditionally format Reports using variables, string and Boolean expressions, Modify a report specification, Deploy Java Scripts and HTML items for user interaction

    Report Distribution using Bursting

    Understanding the concept of report bursting, running a report once and dividing the results as per specific recipients, steps in report bursting, specifying burst groups, setting burst options and enabling bursting, creating burst keys and burst tables, rules of report bursting and formats supported for bursting.Hands-on Exercise – Run a report once and divide the results as per specific recipients, Specify burst groups, Set burst options and enable bursting, Create burst keys and burst tables, Create Rules of report bursting

    Statistical Reports

    Learning about statistical reporting, creating statistical objects, adding cases and variables, integrating statistical objects with Cognos Report Studio, understanding descriptive statistics and statistical charts, analyzing using statistical reports and distributing results to users.Hands-on Exercise – Create statistical objects, Add cases and variables, integrate statistical objects with Cognos Report Studio, Generate and analyze using statistical reports, Export results to users

    Cognos Active Reports

    Creating active reports using Cognos Report Studio, designing highly interactive reports, building report as per user needs, learning about the characteristics of Active Reports and deploying it to build easy to use reports, scheduling and bursting of Active Reports, understanding Active Report controls and variables.Hands-on Exercise – Create active reports using Cognos Report Studio, Design interactive reports, Build a custom report, Schedule Active Reports

    Active Reports – Multi-Dimensional

    Introduction to dimensional data in reports, working with DMR and OLAP data sources in dimensional reporting, understanding dimensions, levels, hierarchies and members, learning about dimensional reporting methodology.Hands-on Exercise – Generate dimensional reports from Cognos studio

    Active Reports-Advance Dimensional Reporting

    Learning about focusing dimensional data in a cross tab, difference between relational and dimensional queries, various filtering techniques, filtering of dimensional queries based on dimensions, measures and members, learning how to use a tree prompt for dynamic filtering,Cognos Dimensional Functions, deploying it to create sets and tuples, working with OLAP queries to deploy arithmetic queries, characteristics of Cognos Dimensional Functions.Hands-on Exercise – Focus on dimensional data in a cross tab, Write a dimensional query, Apply filters on dimensions, measures and members, Use a tree prompt for dynamic filtering, Deploy Cognos Dimensional Functions to create sets and tuples, Deploy arithmetic queries

    Advanced drilling Techniques

    Introduction to advanced drilling techniques, identifying the need for overriding the default drilling, deploying advancing drill down techniques, the various member sets and support functions for performing advanced drilling.Hands-on Exercise – Deploy advanced drill down techniques using various member sets and support functions for performing advanced drilling

    Transformer-multi-dimensional data Modelling

    Introduction to Cognos Transformer, multi-dimensional data modeling component, defining OLAP Cube structures, building multi-dimensional analysis cubes, modeling the dimensions, customizing measures, the various components of transformers, the various categories and members, creating a model plan, relating transformer model to model plan, transformer data sources and data types, matching the business requirements.Hands-on Exercise – Define an OLAP Cube structure, Build multi-dimensional analysis cubes, Model the dimensions, Customize measures, Create a model plan and relate transformer model to this model plan

    Transformer-Dynamic Cubes

    Learning how to create PowerCubes, creating data source connection to PowerCube, publishing of Cube, optimizing PowerCube input and output, various factors affecting PowerCube building and deployment, partitioning of PowerCubes, benefits of partitioning, creating a partitioning strategy, time-based partitioning, comparing the automatic and manual partitioning, learning about multifile PowerCube.Hands-on Exercise – Create PowerCube, Create data source connection to PowerCube, Optimize PowerCube input and output, Make partitions of PowerCubes, Create a partitioning strategy, Create time-based partitioning

    Advance features in Transformer-Dynamic Cubes

    Introduction to IBM Cognos Cube designer, building dynamic cubes, deploying and measuring the performance, working with star and snowflake data schema, in-memory relational OLAP functionality, benefits of Dynamic Cube, Cube Designer interface, aggregation in Dynamic Cubes, modelling a Virtual Cube and publishing with IBM Cognos Studios.Hands-on Exercise – Build dynamic cube, Deploy dynamic cube and measure the performance, Create star and snowflake data schema, Model a Virtual Cube and publish with IBM Cognos Studios

    Analyzing and Administering Queries

    Learning to perform Cognos Analysis in Excel, the various query settings for enhancing performance, working with Dynamic Query Analyzer, Cognos Workflow, administering IBM Cognos, understanding query service metrics, moving data from previous versions, managing and auditing the Cognos environment, enhancing the search, restricting scheduling options, disabling query service.Hands-on Exercise – Perform Cognos Analysis in Excel, Configure query settings for enhancing performance, Work with Dynamic Query Analyzer, Create a Cognos Workflow, Restrict scheduling options, Disable query service

    Cognos TM1 Course Content

    Introduction to Cognos TM1

    Understanding multi-dimensional OLAP database, TM1 Web, TM1 Executive Viewer, TM1 Servers and Services, Cognos TM1 Installation.

    Cognos TM1 Configuration

    Managing the components and tasks – start, stop and add TM1 Servers, use the components – TM1 Web, Applications and Operations Console, create or delete Windows/Desktop services using Command prompt.

    Creating Dimensions

    Manual creation of Dimensions, Sparse and Dense Dimensions, reviewing Cubes and Dimensions, using Turbo Integrator ETL, deploying Dimension Editor/Attributes, working with various elements.

    Building Cubes and Views

    learning to create New Cube View, using View Builder Wizard, understanding Cube and data Points, deploying Cubes for constructing Data Views, View types – Private, Public & Default, Dynamic and Static Subset creation.

    Working with TM1 Turbo Integrator

    Understanding the ETL process in Turbo Integrator, extract data from multiple sources, loading data into TM1 Cubes, creating processes for data loading and deleting, scheduling and editing processes through procedures – Data, Metadata, Prolog, Epilog, identifying and mapping variables.

    Cognos TM1 Rules

    Understanding TM1 rules, TM1 Rules Editor, rules compilation, using functions, rule performance optimization, working with Feeders and Skipcheck.

    Advanced Scripting with Turbo Integrator

    Working with Advanced tab of Turbo Integrator, creating scripts for editing procedures, deploying Dimension subsets and attributes.

    TM1 Data Spreading

    Distributing numeric data across cells in Cube View, data spreading functions, procedures and methods, drill-through process and rules for assigned detailed data to cells.

    Advanced Modeling Techniques

    Significance of advanced modeling, manually adding objects to application design, understanding application views, dimensions and hierarchy, virtual cubes, lookup cubes, spread profile cube.

    TM1 Security

    The various security levels including Server level, Cube level, Dimension level.

    TM1 Application Web

    Importance of Application Web for extreme formatting, working with TM1 Application Web.

    Cognos Insight Course Content

    Basic Conceptual Architecture of Business Analytics

    Business Analytics: Basic concepts, Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Concepts, Conceptual differences: RDBMS & Data warehousing, Benefits & advantages of Data warehousing

    Introduction to IBM COGNOS Insight

    What is IBM Cognos Insight?, Why use IBM Cognos Insight?, Add data to your Workspace, Identify Data Terms, Explore the Workspace, Filter Content using Explore Points, Navigate and Explore Data

    Import Data

    Import Data, Use Quick Import, Import from a File, Define Data for Mapping, Map the Cube, Map Dimensions and Measures, Import from Microsoft Excel, Import form a Relational ODBC Source, Data Source, Refresh Data, Import Inventory Data from a Relational Data Source

    Restructure Data

    Analyze Data, Calculate Data in a Workspace, Create Custom Calculations, Undo Changes, Restructure Data, Change the Way Measures are Summarized, Add Calculations During an Import

    Create Visualizations

    Choose an effective Chart, Choose a Chart Type, Area Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, Line Charts, Pie Charts, Point Charts, Specify Chart Options

    Construct a Workspace

    Add Contents using Widgets, Examine Widget Types, Modify Widget Bbehavior Organize your Workspace, Enhance Appearance with Themes

    Format and Enter Data

    Format and Enter Data, Understand Data Entry Colors, Use Numeric and Text Data, Use Date, Use Pick Lists, Add Annotations, Enter data Quickly using Shortcuts, Data Entry Commands

    Further Learning Roadmap:

    To learn analytics further and orient your career in that direction, following are the recommended study areas –

    Big Data & Analytics, Text/Content Analytics, Big Data Programming, Predictive Analytics and Data Modelling

    Pentaho Course Content

    Introduction to Pentaho Tool

    Pentaho user console, Oveview of Pentaho Business Intelligence and Analytics tools, database dimensional modelling, using Star Schema for querying large data sets, understanding fact tables and dimensions tables, Snowflake Schema, principles of Slowly Changing Dimensions, knowledge of how high availability is supported for the DI server and BA server, managing Pentaho artifacts Knowledge of big data solution architecturesHands-on Exercise – Schedule a report using user console, Create model using database dimensional modeling techniques, create a Star Schema for querying large data sets, Use fact tables and dimensions tables, manage Pentaho artifacts

    Data Architecture
    Designing data models for reporting, Pentaho support for predictive analytics, Design a Streamlined Data Refinery (SDR) solution for a clientHands-on Exercise – Design data models for reporting, Perform predictive analytics on a data set, design a Streamlined Data Refinery (SDR) solution for a dummy client
    Clustering in Pentaho
    Understanding the basics of clustering in Pentaho Data Integration, creating a database connection, moving a CSV file input to table output and Microsoft Excel output, moving from Excel to data grid and log.Hands-on Exercise – Create a database connection, move a csv file input to table output and Microsoft excel output, move data from excel to data grid and log
    Data Transformation
    The Pentaho Data Integration Transformation steps, adding sequence, understanding calculator, Penthao number range, string replace, selecting field value, sorting and splitting rows, string operation, unique row and value mapper, Usage of metadata injectionHands-on Exercise – Practice various steps to perform data integration transformation, add sequence, use calculator, work on number range, selecting field value, sorting and splitting rows, string operation, unique row and value mapper, use metadata injection
    Pentaho Flow
    Working with secure socket command, Pentaho null value and error handling, Pentaho mail, row filter and priorities stream.Hands-on Exercise – Work with secure socket command, Handle null values in the data, perform error handling, send email, get row filtered data, set stream priorities
    Deploying SCD

    Understanding Slowly Changing Dimensions, making ETL dynamic, dynamic transformation, creating folders, scripting, bulk loading, file management, working with Pentaho file transfer, Repository, XML, Utility and File encryption.Hands-on Exercise – Make ETL dynamic transformation, create folders, write scripts, load bulk data, perform file management ops, work with Pentaho file transfer, XML utility and File encryption

    Type of Repository in Pentaho

    Creating dynamic ETL, passing variable and value from job to transformation, deploying parameter with transformation, importance of Repository in Pentaho, database connection, environmental variable and repository import.Hands-on Exercise – Create dynamic ETL, pass variable and value from job to transformation, deploy parameter with transformation, connect to a database, set pentaho environmental variables, import a repository in the pentaho workspace

    Pentaho Repository & Report Designing

    Working with Pentaho dashboard and Report, effect of row bending, designing a report, working with Pentaho Server, creation of line, bar and pie chart in Pentaho, How to achieve localization in reportsHands-on Exercise – Create Pentaho dashboard and report, check effect of row bending, design a report, work with Pentaho Server, create line, bar and pie chart in Pentaho, Implement localization in a report

    Pentaho Dashboard

    Working with Pentaho Dashboard, passing parameters in Report and Dashboard, drill-down of Report, deploying Cubes for report creation, working with Excel sheet, Pentaho data integration for report creation.Hands-on Exercise – Pass parameters in Report and Dashboard, deploy Cubes for report creation, drill-down in report to understand the entries, import data from an excel sheet, Perform data integration for report creation

    Understanding Cube

    What is a Cube? Creation and benefit of Cube, working with Cube, Report and Dashboard creation with Cube.Hands-on Exercise – Create a Cube, create report and dashboard with Cube

    Multi Dimensional Expression

    Understanding the basics of Multi Dimensional Expression (MDX), basics of MDX, understanding Tuple, its implicit dimensions, MDX sets, level, members, dimensions referencing, hierarchical navigation, and meta data.Hands-on Exercise – Work with MDX, Use MDX sets, level, members, dimensions referencing, hierarchical navigation, and meta data

    Pentaho Analyzer

    Pentaho analytics for discovering, blending various data types and sizes, including advanced analytics for visualizing data across multiple dimensions, extending Analyzer functionality, embedding BA server reports, Pentaho REST APIsHands-on Exercise – Blend various data types and sizes, Perform advanced analytics for visualizing data across multiple dimensions, Embed BA server report

    Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) Development
    Knowledge of the PDI steps used to create an ETL job, Describing the PDI steps to create an ETL transformation, Describing the use of property filesHands-on Exercise – Create an ETL transformation using PDI steps, Use property files
    Hadoop ETL Connectivity

    Deploying ETL capabilities for working on the Hadoop ecosystem, integrating with HDFS and moving data from local file to distributed file system, deploying Apache Hive, designing MapReduce jobs, complete Hadoop integration with ETL tool.Hands-on Exercise – Deploy ETL capabilities for working on the Hadoop ecosystem, Integrate with HDFS and move data from local file to distributed file system, deploy Apache Hive, design MapReduce jobs

    Creating dashboards in Pentaho

    Creating interactive dashboards for visualizing highly graphical representation of data for improving key business performance.Hands-on Exercise – Create interactive dashboards for visualizing graphical representation of data

    Performance Tuning
    Managing BA server logging, tuning Pentaho reports, monitoring the performance of a job or a transformation, Auditing in PentahoHands-on Exercise – Manage logging in BA server, Fine tune Pentaho report, Monitor the performance of an ETL job
    Integrating user security with other enterprise systems, Extending BA server content security, Securing data, Pentaho’s support for multi-tenancy, Using Kerberos with PentahoHands-on Exercise – Configure security settings to implement high level security

    Jaspersoft Course Content

    Jaspersoft Architecture and iReport Introduction

    Introduction to Architecture of Jaspersoft Business Intelligence, JasperReports Server and Report Lifecycle, installation of Jaspersoft and iReport creation.

    Creating Basic Reports

    Understanding the iReport Designer, navigation in iReport and learning to create bar charts, line charts and expressions.

    Advance Reporting Features

    A truly integrated self-service reporting, CA Clarity PPM Reporting, working with interactive reports, combination charts, passing parameters in report, working with sub-reports.

    Jaspersoft Customization

    Customizing the Jaspersoft branding, changing the login page, rebranding with SiteMesh Decorators, customizing web interface, understanding Bundles, Logs and Lib.

    Introduction to JasperServer

    JasperReports Server, standalone and embeddable reporting server, deploying Reporting and Analytics, navigating in JasperServer and learning about Parameters.

    Ad Hoc Reports

    Understanding ad hoc reports in JasperServer, the concepts of Domains and Topics, creation of and deployment of subreports, dashboard creation, administration of Domains and Topics, auto scheduling of Reports and sharing.

    Jaspersoft User Interface

    Introduction to Jaspersoft Studio, the Studio user interface, working with Jaspersoft Reports using Expressions, Objects, Variables, Parameters and Bands.

    Jaspersoft Group by Bands

    Grouping of data in Jaspersoft Report using bands, working with Table component, cross tab component and subreports.

    Jaspersoft Datasource and Graphs

    Understanding Jaspersoft Datasource, creation of charts, graphs, evaluation time and subreports, working with Jaspersoft Studio.

    Jaspersoft Components

    The various components of Jaspersoft Reports like Report books, table of contents, image and break components, topics, domains, input and filter controls.

    Jaspersoft Advanced Properties

    Advanced features of Jaspersoft Reports, working with advanced Excel and PDF properties, learning about hyperlinking and Drill-down Reports.

    Jaspersoft Styles

    Deploying Styles in Jasper Reports, various types of Style features, learning about standalone style export, alternate color banding and markup HTML styled field.

    Jaspersoft Scriptlets

    Introduction to Jaspersoft Scriptlets, interface between Jasper Reports and Java, the prerequisites to run Scriptlets, the customization benefits of Scriptlets, Reporting flexibility with user-defined functions, step by step demonstration of deploying Scriptlets.

    JFreeCharts in JasperReports

    Customization of JFreeCharts, chart customizer classes, resource bundle internationalization, working with Maps and Barcodes.

    JR Datasource

    Understanding Datasource, various input data to JasperReports engine, introduction to JR Datasource, custom JR Datasource, learning about Java bean Datasource and JR Datasource provider.

    Advance features of Jaspersoft Server

    Detailed understanding of Jaspersoft Server, Jaspersoft UI features, connecting with Jaspersoft Studio, publishing and updating Report on Jaspersoft Server.

    scheduling of Reports

    Learning how to add Reports to JasperServer, working with the cascading parameters, drilling down Reports and scheduling of Reports.

    Dynamic Jasper and Custom Visualization

    Introduction to Dynamic Jasper API, hiding complexities of JasperReports, linking of Java with Jaspersoft, working with Custom Visualization Element, enabling mail subscription, customization of JasperServer UI.

    Advance Dashboard

    Introduction to Jaspersoft dashboard, building of interactive dashboard, importing/exporting from/to JasperServer, various features of Jaspersoft dashboard, exporting of dashboard, various Parameters in JasperServer.

    Adhoc Editor

    Introduction to Jaspersoft Ad hoc Editor, creating and editing an Ad hoc View, analyzing data from Topic, Domain or OLAP Datasource, deploying content for Reports using Ad hoc Editor.

    Introduction to Cubes and Multi Tenancy

    Creation of OLAP Cubes in JasperReports Server, understanding the multi-tenancy architecture, the distinction between MOLAP, HOLAP, and ROLAP, learning about the BI application lifecycle.

    Performance Tuning

    Improving the performance of Jaspersoft applications, measuring of ad hoc performance, various methods of performance tuning.

    MicroStrategy Course Content

    MicroStrategy Introduction & Installation

    Introduction to MicroStrategy Business Intelligence tool, the various capabilities of MicroStrategy in data discovery, advanced analytics, enterprise reporting and dashboard functionality, detailed knowledge of installation of MicroStrategy.

    DW & BI Architecture

    Understand in detail about the Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence architecture, data sources, ETL process, loading data in EDW and data marts.

    Business Intelligence capability

    Learning how BI capability various at different levels, operational, adhoc and dashboard needs and solutions offered like grids and graphs.

    Analytical Models

    Progression in analytical methods, various types models like summarization, trends, benchmarking, comparative analysis, optimization and predictions.

    MicroStrategy Platform Architecture

    A detailed architecture of MicroStrategy including tools and services, data assets, schemas, metadata, public objects and information delivered via web, desktop and mobile.

    MicroStrategy Architecture Flow

    MicroStrategy data flow architecture, the various types of setup like on-premise, cloud and mobile, understanding the need for data containers, customization using SDK, security for backend data containers and other offerings.

    Connectivity and the Data ecosystems

    Learning about the various backend data support that MicroStrategy offers, seamless integration with relational databases and unstructured data storage.

    Analyzing data

    Learning about the basic components and elements of schema, facts and dimensions, analyzing data and quantifying business elements.

    Measures & Metrics

    Understanding about measures and metrics in a data warehouse schema.Hands-on Exercise – Use measures and metrics in a data warehouse schema

    Logical & Physical Warehouse Schema

    The MicroStrategy foundation of logical data model and schema, its role in data warehouse and business intelligence, clear understanding of Star Schema, working with Facts and Dimensions Tables.Hands-on Exercise – Create a Star Schema, Work with Facts and Dimensions Tables

    Project Source and Creation

    Creation of Project Source in MicroStrategy, connecting with metadata database, detailed learning of MicroStrategy project, the first step to creating public and schema objects.Hands-on Exercise – Create a Project Source in MicroStrategy, Connect with metadata database, Create public and schema objects

    Schema Architect

    The significance of architect for the projects, a detailed demo of working with Architect for project, and creation of schema objects like Facts and Attributes.Hands-on Exercise – creation of schema objects like Facts and Attributes.

    Organizing Schema Objects

    Understanding how to create schema objects, data warehouse catalog, schema tables, creation and editing of Attributes and Facts, Schema update and its need.Hands-on Exercise – Create schema objects, Use data warehouse catalog, Create schema tables, Create and edit of Attributes and Facts, Update a Schema

    Creation of Hierarchies

    Learning about the need for creating folders, Attributes organization, getting a structured view of Facts and Attributes, mapping of Attributes depending on the folder in which they are located, defining navigation path using hierarchies and steps to creating hierarchies.Hands-on Exercise – Creating folders, Organize Attributes, Get a structured view of Facts and Attributes, Map attributes depending on the folder in which they are located, Create hierarchies, Navigate to different places using hierarchies

    Creating Metrics

    Creation of basic metrics and level metrics, defining metrics using filters, studying the metrics generated by SQL when working with level dimensionality, detailed step by step process to create metrics.Hands-on Exercise – Create basic metrics and level metrics, define metrics using filters

    Creating Filters

    Learning about the step by step process for creating filters and the different options in creating filters.Hands-on Exercise – Create filters and use different available options to change the filters

    Creating Prompts

    Understanding the different ways of creation of Prompts and its various uses.Hands-on Exercise – Create different types of Prompts and use them

    Search Objects

    Learning how to create Search Objects, the usage of Search Objects in Prompts andHands-on Exercise – Create Search Objects, Use search objects in Prompts

    The method to creating Consolidation Objects, the significance of them, learning through detailed demonstration, understanding the difference between Consolidation and Custom Groups (Doesn’t belong here. This line is present in Custom Groups also)Hands-on Exercise – Create Consolidation Objects
    Custom Groups

    Learning how to create Custom Groups and their distinction from Consolidation Objects, Custom Groups are a consequence of SQL queries and Consolidation Objects are functions of analytical engine, a detailed demonstration of steps needed for SQL query generation in Custom Groups.Hands-on Exercise – Create Custom Groups, Generate SQL query in Custom Groups

    Drill Maps

    Understanding Drill Maps creations, its significance, role of hierarchies in drill navigation, detailed demonstration of Drill Maps and Navigation.Hands-on Exercise – Create a Drill Map, Use a map for analysis

    Partition mapping

    Understanding partitioning, various type of data partitioning like homogenous and heterogeneous mapping, metadata and warehouse partitioning, a detailed demonstration of creating partition mapping in MicroStrategy.Hands-on Exercise – Create a partition mapping in MicroStrategy

    Different type of Reports Creation

    Clear understanding of how to create Reports using MicroStrategy Developer/Desktop, executing the Report, the various View types like Design, SQL and Grid, deploying View Filters and Report Editor, learning to work with Reports like creating and using Filters, Prompts, Sorts, Drill-down and Format.Hands-on Exercise – Create and executing a Report command, Create a desgin view, Use a Grid view, Deploy View Filters and Report Editor, Create Reports by using using Filters, Prompts, Sorts, Drill-down and Format

    MicroStrategy Web


Course Fee:
USD 1899

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1 - 4 hours / week

This course is listed under Development & Implementations and Data & Information Management Community

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