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Apache Spark and Scala Certification Training

Course Summary

Intellipaat Spark training let you master real time data processing using spark streaming, spark SQL, Spark RDD, Spark machine learning libraries (spark MLlib). You will learn Apache Spark, Scala programming as well as work on 3 real life use cases in this spark scala course.

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    Course Syllabus

    Scala Course Content

    Introduction of Scala
    Introducing Scala and deployment of Scala for Big Data applications and Apache Spark analytics.
    Pattern Matching
    The importance of Scala, the concept of REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop), deep dive into Scala pattern matching, type interface, higher order function, currying, traits, application space and Scala for data analysis.
    Executing the Scala code
    Learning about the Scala Interpreter, static object timer in Scala, testing String equality in Scala, Implicit classes in Scala, the concept of currying in Scala, various classes in Scala.
    Classes concept in Scala
    Learning about the Classes concept, understanding the constructor overloading, the various abstract classes, the hierarchy types in Scala, the concept of object equality, the val and var methods in Scala.
    Case classes and pattern matching
    Understanding Sealed traits, wild, constructor, tuple, variable pattern, and constant pattern.
    Concepts of traits with example
    Understanding traits in Scala, the advantages of traits, linearization of traits, the Java equivalent and avoiding of boilerplate code.
    Scala java Interoperability
    Implementation of traits in Scala and Java, handling of multiple traits extending.
    Scala collections
    Introduction to Scala collections, classification of collections, the difference between Iterator, and Iterable in Scala, example of list sequence in Scala.
    Mutable collections vs. Immutable collections
    The two types of collections in Scala, Mutable and Immutable collections, understanding lists and arrays in Scala, the list buffer and array buffer, Queue in Scala, double-ended queue Deque, Stacks, Sets, Maps, Tuples in Scala.
    Use Case bobsrockets package
    Introduction to Scala packages and imports, the selective imports, the Scala test classes, introduction to JUnit test class, JUnit interface via JUnit 3 suite for Scala test, packaging of Scala applications in Directory Structure, example of Spark Split and Spark Scala.

    Spark Course Content

    Introduction to Spark
    Introduction to Spark, how Spark overcomes the drawbacks of working MapReduce, understanding in-memory MapReduce,interactive operations on MapReduce, Spark stack, fine vs. coarse grained update, Spark stack,Spark Hadoop YARN, HDFS Revision, YARN Revision, the overview of Spark and how it is better Hadoop, deploying Spark without Hadoop,Spark history server, Cloudera distribution.
    Spark Basics
    Spark installation guide,Spark configuration, memory management, executor memory vs. driver memory, working with Spark Shell, the concept of Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD), learning to do functional programming in Spark, the architecture of Spark.
    Working with RDDs in Spark
    Spark RDD, creating RDDs, RDD partitioning, operations & transformation in RDD,Deep dive into Spark RDDs, the RDD general operations, a read-only partitioned collection of records, using the concept of RDD for faster and efficient data processing,RDD action for Collect, Count, Collectsmap, Saveastextfiles, pair RDD functions.
    Aggregating Data with Pair RDDs
    Understanding the concept of Key-Value pair in RDDs, learning how Spark makes MapReduce operations faster, various operations of RDD,MapReduce interactive operations, fine & coarse grained update, Spark stack.
    Writing and Deploying Spark Applications
    Comparing the Spark applications with Spark Shell, creating a Spark application using Scala or Java, deploying a Spark application,Scala built application,creation of mutable list, set & set operations, list, tuple, concatenating list, creating application using SBT,deploying application using Maven,the web user interface of Spark application, a real world example of Spark and configuring of Spark.
    Parallel Processing
    Learning about Spark parallel processing, deploying on a cluster, introduction to Spark partitions, file-based partitioning of RDDs, understanding of HDFS and data locality, mastering the technique of parallel operations,comparing repartition & coalesce, RDD actions.
    Spark RDD Persistence
    The execution flow in Spark, Understanding the RDD persistence overview,Spark execution flow & Spark terminology, distribution shared memory vs. RDD, RDD limitations, Spark shell arguments,distributed persistence, RDD lineage,Key/Value pair for sorting implicit conversion like CountByKey, ReduceByKey, SortByKey, AggregataeByKey
    Spark Streaming & Mlib
    Spark Streaming Architecture, Writing streaming programcoding, processing of spark stream,processing Spark Discretized Stream (DStream), the context of Spark Streaming, streaming transformation, Flume Spark streaming, request count and Dstream, multi batch operation, sliding window operations and advanced data sources. Different Algorithms, the concept of iterative algorithm in Spark, analyzing with Spark graph processing, introduction to K-Means and machine learning, various variables in Spark like shared variables, broadcast variables, learning about accumulators.
    Improving Spark Performance
    Introduction to various variables in Spark like shared variables, broadcast variables, learning about accumulators, the common performance issues and troubleshooting the performance problems.
    Spark SQL and Data Frames
    Learning about Spark SQL, the context of SQL in Spark for providing structured data processing, JSON support in Spark SQL, working with XML data, parquet files, creating HiveContext, writing Data Frame to Hive, reading JDBC files, understanding the Data Frames in Spark, creating Data Frames, manual inferring of schema, working with CSV files, reading JDBC tables, Data Frame to JDBC, user defined functions in Spark SQL, shared variable and accumulators, learning to query and transform data in Data Frames, how Data Frame provides the benefit of both Spark RDD and Spark SQL, deploying Hive on Spark as the execution engine.
    Scheduling/ Partitioning
    Learning about the scheduling and partitioning in Spark,hash partition, range partition, scheduling within and around applications, static partitioning, dynamic sharing, fair scheduling,Map partition with index, the Zip, GroupByKey, Spark master high availability, standby Masters with Zookeeper, Single Node Recovery With Local File System, High Order Functions.
    Apache Spark – Scala Project
    Project 1: Movie RecommendationTopics – This is a project wherein you will gain hands-on experience in deploying Apache Spark for movie recommendation. You will be introduced to the Spark Machine Learning Library, a guide to MLlib algorithms and coding which is a machine learning library. Understand how to deploy collaborative filtering, clustering, regression, and dimensionality reduction in MLlib. Upon completion of the project you will gain experience in working with streaming data, sampling, testing and statistics.Project 2: Twitter API Integration for tweet AnalysisTopics – With this project you will learn to integrate Twitter API for analyzing tweets. You will write codes on the server side using any of the scripting languages like PHP, Ruby or Python, for requesting the Twitter API and get the results in JSON format. You will then read the results and perform various operations like aggregation, filtering and parsing as per the need to come up with tweet analysis.Project 3: Data Exploration Using Spark SQL – Wikipedia data setTopics – This project lets you work with Spark SQL. You will gain experience in working with Spark SQL for combining it with ETL applications, real time analysis of data, performing batch analysis, deploying machine learning, creating visualizations and processing of graphs.

Course Fee:
USD 165

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Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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