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PHP And MySQL Training

Course Summary

Our PHP, MySQL master program lets you gain proficiency in PHP language and MySQL database management system. You will work on real world projects related to PHP functions, data types, script syntax, web interface, MySQL client and server concepts, database objects.

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    Course Syllabus

    PHP Course Content

    PHP Introduction

    Introduction to PHP, installation of PHP, understanding the concepts, learning about the various data types, script syntax and variable declaration, working with operators, constants, loop types and decision-making statements.Hands-on Exercise – Install PHP development environment, Create basic php hello world program, write a program with for loop, use if statement, create variables and assign values, use constants

    PHP Functions

    The various functions in PHP including the in-built and user-defined ones, learning about the Regular Expressions, File Inclusion, working with Quantifiers, Modifiers, learning to deploy various Regular Expressions in PHP like preg_filter, preg_match, preg_split, understanding Escape Sequences.Hands-on Exercise – Write a regex to search a string pattern, Use quantifiers ($, { }, ?, * etc), Use modifiers and grouping, Deploy various Regular Expressions in PHP like preg_filter, preg_match, preg_split, Use escape sequences.

    OOP Concepts

    Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, learning about the various functions, variables, classes and objects, deploying Function overriding, core OOP concepts – polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance, and abstraction, working with access modifiers, scope resolution operator, constructors and destructorsHands-on Exercise – Create a class with member functions and variables, Write constructor and destructor functions, Instantiate an object of the class, Implement function overriding, Use access modifier, Use scope resolution operator to static members of a class

    MVC Architecture CakePHP

    Understanding the basics of Model-View-Controller Architecture, its significance and deployment, introduction to CakePHP – open source rapid development framework for PHP, understanding the CakePHP conventions, folder structures and important concepts.

    Deep dive into CakePHP

    The MVC layers in CakePHP, understanding the flow of data between the View and Controller Layers, deploying CakePHP helpers – HTML, cookies, sessions, forms, learning to design layouts, map URLs, and creation of controller.Hands-on Exercise – Deploy CakePHP helpers – HTML, cookies, sessions, forms, Design a layout, Map URLs, Create a controller

    CakePHP Dynamic Forms Creation

    Creation of basic HTML form, deploying CakePHP helpers to come up with various components of forms like radio buttons, input boxes, dropdown link, form validation using data validation rules, understanding creation, retrieval and deletion of sessions variables, cookies and file handling, deploying global variables.Hands-on Exercise – Create a basic HTML form, Deploy CakePHP helpers to come up with various components of forms like radio buttons, input boxes, dropdown link, Validate a form using data validation rules, Create, retrievel and delete sessions variables, Create cookies, Deploy global variable

    MYSQL Course Content

    Introduction to MySQL

    Understanding MySQL open source database, the client and server concepts, working with database objects.

    Working with MySQL

    Understanding MySQL, open source database capabilities, MySQL administration, data types, tables and queries, installation of MySQL.Hands-on Exercise – Install MySQL, Configure MySQL to create users and roles to interact with database

    Data Manipulation & Advance Queries

    Understanding how MySQL can be deployed for data manipulation and coming up with advanced queries, learning to deploy MySQL Constraints, MySQL ALTER TABLE Command,working with MySQL IN Operator, MySQL Sorting, MySQL Joins, understanding MySQL Sequences, MySQL Injections.Hands-on Exercise – Deploy MySQL Constraints, Use MySQL ALTER TABLE Command to change a table’s structure, Use MySQL IN Operator, MySQL Sorting, MySQL Joins, Use MySQL Injections and Sequences

    SQL Data Manipulation

    Deploying SQL for data manipulation, searching, adding, removing, modifying and deleting data, querying recurring data.Hands-on Exercise – Deploy SQL for searching, adding, removing, modifying and deleting data, Query for recurring data

    Advanced Data Manipulation

    Working with advanced concepts of joining tables, grouping and aggregating functions and expressions.Hands-on Exercise – Join tables, Use group functions, Use Aggregate functions and expressions

    SQL Transactions

    Sequence or unit of work done in logical manner, understanding the concepts of Transactions, studying the ACID properties of Transactions.Hands-on Exercise – Perform a Transaction to perform multiple insert operations using php code, Commit the transaction if it is successful else rollback and end the transaction

    SQL Import and Export

    Working with data to move it from source to destination, creation of destination database, file and table using SQL Import/Export.Hands-on Exercise – Create destination database, file and table using SQL Import/Export

    CakePHP Database Interaction

    CakePHP database access layers, keeping connection with database, building queries, working with data schemas, deploying Find, Update and Save for working with Table data, understanding database.phpconfig to work with databases.Hands-on Exercise – Connect with a mysql database using CakePHP, Create a data schema, Deploy Find, Update and Save for working with Table data, Manipulate database.phpconfig for different effects on database operations using php

    PHP and MySQL Projects

    Project : MVC & CakePHP to develop a website

    Project 1: The main aim of this project is to create an HTML Registration Form using CakePHP helpers. Perform data posting and finally send an email

    Project 2: Develop a website using CakePHP helpers that will cover details about Institutions, Courses available and Student Information using

    Creating the website layout, Perform functions Add/View/Edit/Delete on Institute details, Perform functions Add/View/Edit/Delete on Course details, Perform functions Add/View/Edit/Delete on Student information.

Course Fee:
USD 149

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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